Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
dri3 extension not supported
that cleared the error thank you–if you think i should switch to 32-bit Raspian i will do that as well
the Raspian desktop is slightly outside (larger than) the monitor screen, but the MM is displayed well inside the borders so if i get it all set on this monitor i will stick to this one.
@leftyleo no switch just understand there are still flaky things… some modules w binaries most likely won’t work, pir, any gpio stuff…
@sdetweil - ok i was incorrect - i am still getting that error but with the default config (less the ‘compliments’ module) the MM still works - so maybe it is not an issue
– i tried two other modules and cant get them to work
such as MMM-JEOPARDY - I saw posts in other threads and it is exact but something isnt right.- i will work on it some more, search threads before making a new question. I have to be sure it isnt something i just mis-optioned, typo… need to look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes
@leftyleo many modules suffer from this -
@sdetweil i just hope to get mostly basic stuff weather, clock, google calendar , change the background from black… that kind of stuff.
@leftyleo yeh but jeopardy isn’t in the list u just gave,. lol
@sdetweil -LOL- thought i would start simple… Jeopardy works now. going to try to relocate it , and loose that image. (Sorry, Alex)
I am sure there are lots of options that i cant locate.
The hunting for the answers before asking is part of my learning challenge. -
@leftyleo not to hijack this thread. But since you were thinking of going from 64 to 32 bit os…
I am getting the same error on a fresh sd card on a rpi 3B with buster 32bit installed. It has manually installed MagicMirror, node, etc., no extra modules, just the config sample copied to be config.js.
[05.09.2022 20:19.03.191] [LOG] Starting node helper for: newsfeed
[05.09.2022 20:19.03.192] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started …
[05.09.2022 20:19.05.030] [LOG] Launching application.
[2092:0905/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[2132:0905/] dri3 extension not supported.
[2106:0905/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
… -
@kayakbabe -
No problem - that was on topic
I actually tried going to 32 and i believe i am back to 64 but i will need to recheck
-i get the same error on both, even with sdetweil’s recommendation above to add the --disable-gpu switchat least whatever was hanging up MM , it is working now
and i am banging my head against modules and minor CSS to add backgroundIt can be frustrating but it is fun to search for possible solutions and experiment and learn
@leftyleo what module problems?