MMM-ClosestFlight stuck at “Checking the airspace…”
From config.js
Also tried with the default Lat/Long
module: "MMM-ClosestFlight",
position: "bottom_right",
config: {
myLatitude: 11.1234, // Latitude of MagicMirror [11.1234, WAS 35.2295]
myLongitude: 11.1234 , // Longitude of MagicMirror [11.1234 WAS - -80.8431]
distanceUnits: "NM", // 'NM' for nautical miles, 'SM' for statute miles
altitudeUnits: "M", // 'FT' for feet or 'M' for metres
boxLatitudeMin: 34.8020, // minimum latitude of the bounding box
boxLongitudeMin: -82.4282, // minimum longitude of the bounding box
boxLatitudeMax: 36.2900, // maximum latitude of the bounding box
boxLongitudeMax: 78.1815, // maximum longtitude of the bounding box
maxWidth: "250px",
animationSpeed: 3000, // Fade in/out speed on update
initialLoadDelay: 4250,
retryDelay: 2500,
updateInterval: 20000 // How often to update
Some time ago, I’d cobbled together a hacky script that would download my camera snapshots every 30 seconds from my 3 outdoor cameras to an image directory on my Pi, overwriting the previous images. I then had am image viewing plugin show those images on a 10 second carousel on the center of my MM screen. While this worked, the constant writing to SD killed my card and I recently had to rebuild my MM. I did not save that script so I’ll have to rebuild that again. I thought about mounting that directory to a 24mb ram disk to avoid the constant writing issues but that feels like a hack on top of a hack. Since I have to redo everything from scratch anyways, I figured I’d check here first.
What are people using to view their camera snapshots today? MMM-RTSPViewer is horribly outdated and doesn’t seem to work anymore due to OMXPlayer being abandoned and VLC takes too much of my Pi 3’s memory to view 3 cameras - it slows to an absolute crawl after loading cameras then freezes the display. Additionally , I can’t seem to get the snapshot capability of MMM-RTSPViewer working standalone. I really DON’T want to view live feeds of my cameras and setting up WebRTC viewers seems overly cumbersome for my needs.
Any suggestions?
Hello Everybody,
i used the MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor from paviro a long time. but since a while the module worked anymore. i don`t konw why. maybe the latest fritzbox version…
paviro decontinued his project.
is there an alternativ module who shows the incomming and outgoing calls ?
Best Regards,
I’m wanting to take a match of “YCBM” in the description, and make whatever the title is change to “Client”. Can someone help me write the if statement to add to my transformer?
eventTransformer: (ev) => {
if ("🏠") > -1) {
ev.title = ev.title.replace("🏠 Personal Commitment", "Personal Event");
ev.color = 'yellow';
if ("✈ Flight") > -1) {
ev.title = ev.title.replace("✈ Flight", "Personal Event");
ev.color = 'yellow';
return ev
I would like to change the style of the standard clock. I already know how to change the font and size.
Now I would like to change the color of the minutes.
So the hour display should be completely white and the minutes should be grayish.
And I would like to hide the seconds display completely.
the command “displayseconds” in the configuration does not work
Please help
I was wondering if anyone has been able to integrate in Chatgpt into their magic mirror. The modules I’ve been looking at are either pretty outdated and non-functional or can only generate text. However, I was wondering if anyone has been able to develop a module that allows voice input into chatgpt and voice output back?
I have just released a new module: MMM-Cookidoo
For those who have a Thermomix it could be useful. :)
Until now only a German webpage is supported. If others exists in other countries, I don’t know. The endpoint can be adjusted easy in the config.js. Maybe they’re similar.
This is the very first release. I’m glad it is doing what I expected the most. I want to get the Cookidoo link running directly into the thermomix. If anyone has an idea how to do it, please let me know.
[image: MMM-Cookidoo.png?raw=true]
I’ve recently built a mm using MagicMirrorOS (which uses the docker install) to use as a family calendar on the wall. Have in configured for the information I want
However, I am finding if power cycle it, sometimes the calendar does not load up and just have a blank screen.
If execute:
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $ docker compose up -d --force-recreate
Then, it loads.
Have some Linux background from many years ago, but docker is new to me - so not sure where to look to work out how to resolve.
From looking at the logs (some extracts below), looks like the mm container isn’t connecting to Xserver.
Any suggestions where to look for useful logs to work out the issue?
Thanks, Scott
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $ docker ps
00d6a9d4ab86 karsten13/mmpm:latest "/home/node/entrypoi…" 3 hours ago Up 2 hours>6789/tcp, :::6789->6789/tcp,>7890-7891/tcp, :::7890-7891->7890-7891/tcp,>8907/tcp, :::8907->8907/tcp mmpm
62d9fe5220c6 karsten13/labwc:latest "/" 3 hours ago Up 2 hours labwc
f43c6ecab44b karsten13/magicmirror:latest "/usr/bin/tini -- ./…" 2 days ago Up 23 seconds mm
9643b13d7183 containrrr/watchtower:latest "/watchtower --inter…" 2 days ago Up 2 hours (healthy) 8080/tcp watchtower
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $ docker logs mm
[entrypoint 06:55:28.611] [INFO] ***WARNING*** could write to /etc/localtime
[entrypoint 06:55:28.626] [INFO] copy default modules
[entrypoint 06:55:28.824] [INFO] copy css files
> magicmirror@2.30.0 start
> npm run start:x11
> magicmirror@2.30.0 start:x11
> DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js
[2025-02-14 06:55:44.929] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.30.0
[2025-02-14 06:55:45.661] [LOG] Loading config ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:45.672] [LOG] config template file not exists, no envsubst
[2025-02-14 06:55:47.716] [INFO] Checking config file /opt/magic_mirror/config/config.js ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:47.925] [INFO] Your configuration file doesn't contain syntax errors :)
[2025-02-14 06:55:47.928] [INFO] Checking modules structure configuration ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.246] [INFO] Your modules structure configuration doesn't contain errors :)
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.253] [LOG] Loading module helpers ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.271] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.274] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-mmpm
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.276] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert.
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.293] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:48.294] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.209] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.210] [LOG] Module helper loaded: calendar
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.230] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-CalendarExt3.
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.232] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock.
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.234] [LOG] No helper found for module: weather.
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.235] [LOG] All module helpers loaded.
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.262] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:49.271] [WARN] You're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.319] [LOG] Server started ...
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.322] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-mmpm
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.325] [LOG] Starting module helper: MMM-mmpm
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.326] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.328] [LOG] Starting module helper: updatenotification
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.329] [LOG] Connecting socket for: calendar
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.331] [LOG] Starting node helper for: calendar
[2025-02-14 06:55:50.333] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ...
[58:0214/] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[58:0214/] The platform failed to initialize. Exiting.
/opt/magic_mirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGSEGV
[entrypoint 06:56:00.774] [INFO] ***WARNING*** could write to /etc/localtime
[entrypoint 06:56:00.791] [INFO] copy default modules
[entrypoint 06:56:00.981] [INFO] copy css files
> magicmirror@2.30.0 start
> npm run start:x11
> magicmirror@2.30.0 start:x11
> DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js
[2025-02-14 06:56:16.871] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.30.0
[2025-02-14 06:56:18.897] [LOG] Loading config ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:18.918] [LOG] config template file not exists, no envsubst
[2025-02-14 06:56:20.944] [INFO] Checking config file /opt/magic_mirror/config/config.js ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.141] [INFO] Your configuration file doesn't contain syntax errors :)
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.143] [INFO] Checking modules structure configuration ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.433] [INFO] Your modules structure configuration doesn't contain errors :)
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.441] [LOG] Loading module helpers ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.459] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.461] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-mmpm
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.463] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert.
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.478] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.479] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.959] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.960] [LOG] Module helper loaded: calendar
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.971] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-CalendarExt3.
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.973] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock.
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.974] [LOG] No helper found for module: weather.
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.975] [LOG] All module helpers loaded.
[2025-02-14 06:56:21.996] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:22.003] [WARN] You're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs
[2025-02-14 06:56:23.024] [LOG] Server started ...
[2025-02-14 06:56:23.026] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-mmpm
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $ docker logs labwc
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:48] Created VT-bound seat seat0
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [seatd/seatd.c:194] seatd started
00:00:03.286 [INFO] [seatd/server.c:145] New client connected (pid: 13, uid: 1000, gid: 1000)
00:00:03.286 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:239] Added client 1 to seat0
00:00:03.286 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:563] Opened client 1 on seat0
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [seatd/seatd.c:167] Removing leftover socket at /run/seatd.sock
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:48] Created VT-bound seat seat0
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [seatd/seatd.c:194] seatd started
00:00:02.811 [INFO] [seatd/server.c:145] New client connected (pid: 13, uid: 1000, gid: 1000)
00:00:02.812 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:239] Added client 1 to seat0
00:00:02.812 [INFO] [seatd/seat.c:563] Opened client 1 on seat0
scottwalsh@calendar:/opt/mm/run $
Hello everyone,
I am using a Raspberry Pi 5 with the latest MM version and the latest version of the MMM-CalendarExt3 module.
I would like to display the garbage emptying which works so far. Unfortunately, the ics feed in the title provides all the different garbage cans that are emptied, e.g.:
"title": "Restmülltonne, Biotonne, Altpapiertonne, Gelbe Tonne",
My goal was to display icons in different colors in the title.
In detail:
Restmülltonne = Black garbage icon
Biotonne = Brown garbage icon
Altpapiertonne = Blue garbage icon
Gelbe Tonne = Yellow garbage icon
This also works so far, but when the refreshInterval of the MMM-CalendarExt3 takes effect, the eventTransformer is apparently no longer executed correctly in my case.
Here is a shortened version of the configuration with which you can recreate the problem:
let config = {
address: "",
port: 8080,
basePath: "/",
ipWhitelist: [],
useHttps: false,
httpsPrivateKey: "",
httpsCertificate: "",
language: "de",
locale: "de-DE",
logLevel: ["INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR"],
timeFormat: 24,
units: "metric",
modules: [
// ***** CALENDAR MODULES *****
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3",
position: "top_bar",
config: {
firstDayOfWeek: 1,
refreshInterval: 6000,
weeksInView: 4,
useMarquee: true,
maxEventLines: 4,
customHeader: false,
eventFilter: (ev) => {
if (ev.calendarName === "Trash") {
let relevantTitles = ["Restmülltonne", "Biotonne", "Gelbe Tonne", "Blaue Tonne"];
return relevantTitles.some(title => ev.title.includes(title));
return true;
eventTransformer: (ev) => {
if (ev.calendarName === "Trash") {
const trash = [];
const strArray = ev.description.split(',').map(item => item.trim());
for (let item of strArray) {
if (item === "Restmülltonne") trash.push("fa-solid fa-trash trash-black");
else if (item === "Biotonne") trash.push("fa-solid fa-trash trash-brown");
else if (item === "Gelbe Tonne") trash.push("fa-solid fa-trash trash-yellow");
else if (item === "Altpapiertonne") trash.push("fa-solid fa-trash trash-blue");
ev.description = trash.join(', ');
ev.symbol = trash;
if (trash.length === 0) {
ev.symbol = [];
ev.color = "none";
return ev;
module: "calendar",
header: "Termine",
config: {
broadcastPastEvents: true,
maximumEntries: 10000,
calendars: [
name: "Trash",
fetchInterval: 3000,
useSymbol: false,
url: "webcal://-849/feed.ics",
color: "none"
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
module.exports = config;
Does anyone have any ideas or is there perhaps a better way to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance
Hi all!
I’m using the docker solution for MagicMirror, running in Electron “mode”. Several modules that require fetching content seems to be relying on the “Request” NPM package. This is not installed in the docker MagicMirror package/solution.
I’ve tried installing the package in the “mm” container, using npm install request - that did not resolve the issue.
I was hoping someone should have a tip or two for me. Anyone had this issue before. Could not find anything in the forum.
Thanks for any help!
I have no Pi experience but I am a Linux professional. I see Mm works with pi 2-5
I also see posts regarding folks upgrading from 4 to 5
As I am a Pi rookie I have questions
What is the price//memory/mm performance sweet spot
Money difference is small but if a pi 4 with 1 gig is sufficient then I don’t need a 5 with 8 gigs
What should I buy?
I’m using MMM-Carousel by @shbatm in slide mode and have had no issues for a long time. I had not done any updates or pulls for a while as everything was working like I wanted. For some reason, my mirror started having issues. I went through doing updates on the rassberry and all the modules, but two issues remained: 1) everything shifted up about an inch shortly after starting up the mirror (including all the modules and the background slideshow) and 2) my buttons (using MMM-Buttons to transition slides) stopped working. When I comment out the Carousel module in the config.js file (as well as the modules that are supposed to be on the later slides), everything displays properly. Current modules are default clock in top left, MMM-News below that, OpenWeatherForecast in top left, and CalendarExt3Journal along the bottom.
Good evening. I’ve been trying for a while to get this module to work and I’m stuck now. I’m getting the following information in the terminal as it tries to pull in and display the photos. I’m transcribing from the pi and only including the relevant information.
[INFO] Start Album scanning
[INFO] Getting album list
[INFO] Finish Album scanning. Properly scanned : 1
[INFO] Albums: MagicMirror
[INFO] getAlbumList done
[INFO] Total indexed photos: 55
[ERORR] [GPHOTO] hidden.onerror {
event: { isTrusted: true },
source: undefined,
lineno: undefined,
colno: undefined
[ERORR] Image loading fails. Check your network.:…(long url)
Please let me know if any other information would help
I am looking for a working PIR module / function to turn off/on my monitor.
Every PIR module I have tried is either deprecated, abandoned or an error appears during installation.
I have tried the following modules
and this
The one from got me the furthest. But unfortunately the command to switch the monitor on/off works
vcgencmd display_power 0 > /dev/null
vcgencmd display_power 1 > /dev/null
doesn´t work for me.
I would be really grateful if you could recommend a working PIR module or maybe you have an advice to turn on/off my monitor instead of the both commands.
Thank you very much.
I would like the compliments text of the default compliments module to be in blue instead of white. I think this can be done with custom css but I struggled with the instructions in the pinned post. If someone would please give me a shortcut of how to do it, I would really appreciate your help.
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Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
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