A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.


  • Announcements regarding the MagicMirror software and forum.

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    Hi there and welcome to the announcement category for mm2’s websites. We just finished upgrading the old vuepress v1 site to vuepress v2 and are about to merge it. No content changes were done, this is just upgrading the underlying dependencies. Although we tested it and looked at it extensively we would be happy if any bugs get reported directly on the docs github page: https://github.com/MagicMirrorOrg/MagicMirror-Documentation Thanks and have a nice day
  • Discuss the MagicMirror² core framework.

    476 Topics
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    @mumblebaj Sorry but no. I am out of pi’s to test on. And it is not something that matters to me . What is a few minutes in the grand scheme of things.
  • Anything harware related can be found here.

    772 Topics
    7k Posts
    @sdetweil thanks for your help. I have an idea here to start. looks like I have a lot of forum to read
  • Add exciting new features to your mirror.

    6k Topics
    55k Posts
    @TomOMaley All modules work without any problems on my mirror. No errors, nothing in the logs and it gets data every 2 seconds. To go to the chat and post a mimimi only is not that helpful to find the error. Use the log-version above then you‘ll find your error. Read the doc, install the latest module, enter a correct ip and activate the api in your inverter. I cannot see any more I can do here. At least post an error log or somerhing helpful.
  • Make your mirror your own but modifying its appearance.

    415 Topics
    3k Posts
    @alfi153 but make these changes to the modules/default/clock/clock.js add property sendNotifications: false, splittime:false, // add this line and this code if (this.config.displayType !== "analog" && this.config.showTime) { if (this.config.splittime) { // add these lines let ts = timeString.split(':') timeString = `<span class="clockhour">${ts[0]}</span>:<span class="clockminute">${ts[1]}</span>` } // end of addition timeWrapper.innerHTML = timeString; then in config.js for clock config: { splittime: true, ... and in css/custom.css .clock .clockminute { color: red; }
  • Share your project story with pictures.

    552 Topics
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    @cpcode OK, use it really seldom, so your findings are new to mee… Good luck. Ralf
  • You have a problem with your mirror? Ask for help.

    5k Topics
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    MMM-ClosestFlight stuck at “Checking the airspace…” From config.js Also tried with the default Lat/Long { module: "MMM-ClosestFlight", position: "bottom_right", config: { myLatitude: 11.1234, // Latitude of MagicMirror [11.1234, WAS 35.2295] myLongitude: 11.1234 , // Longitude of MagicMirror [11.1234 WAS - -80.8431] distanceUnits: "NM", // 'NM' for nautical miles, 'SM' for statute miles altitudeUnits: "M", // 'FT' for feet or 'M' for metres boxLatitudeMin: 34.8020, // minimum latitude of the bounding box boxLongitudeMin: -82.4282, // minimum longitude of the bounding box boxLatitudeMax: 36.2900, // maximum latitude of the bounding box boxLongitudeMax: 78.1815, // maximum longtitude of the bounding box maxWidth: "250px", animationSpeed: 3000, // Fade in/out speed on update initialLoadDelay: 4250, retryDelay: 2500, updateInterval: 20000 // How often to update } },
  • A place to talk about whatever you want.

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    @slaeyer99 i have a computer acting as a file server where my pics are stored and shared to my MagicMirror systems. and linked to the proper location for my background image viewer