And here are the precipitation words used by the different providers:
openMeteo showers, Rain, Snow, Showers, sleet, drizzle, precipitation, hail, rain, Precipitation, snow
pirateWeather rain, sleet, snow
smhi showers, Rain, Snow, sleet, Drizzle, precipitation, rain, drizzle, snow
ukMetOffice showers, sleet, hail, rain, snow
ukMetOfficeDataHub showers, sleet, hail, rain, Precipitation, snow
weatherBit rain, sleet, snow
weatherFlow snow
weatherGov showers, Snow, Rain, Showers, Drizzle, precipitation, rain, snow
yr rain, sleet, precipitation, snow
I did notice a lot of just plain “precipitation” and one future fix might be combining a broadcast of “precipitation” and negative degrees centigrades, as that would also indicate snow.
Also thinking of adding rain functionality, after testing the module more.