@sdetweil Ok, so I set your standard calendar module with google ics url; it should read google events and broadcast to CalendarExt3.
I hope I understand your message well.
Using ICS instead of OAuth my question is: does it update automatically or I have to manually update it?
Can I add more than one calendar? If you, which is the correct formattation?
Is the configuration under here correct?
calendars: [
url: "ht****lendar.google.com/MYURLCALENDAR.ics",
fetchInterval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
fade: "false",
name: "MYCALENDARNAME", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name
color: "blue", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color
customEvents: [{keyword: 'Birthday', symbol: 'birthday-cake', color: 'Gold'},{keyword: 'Dinner', symbol: ' pizza-slice', color: 'red'}],