Sorry it took so long to reply back. I’ve been kinda busy
I finally had time to upgrade MMM-GmailFeed
everything went fine and is running perfectly :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you everyone for your help :thumbs_up:
Sorry it took so long to reply back. I’ve been kinda busy
I finally had time to upgrade MMM-GmailFeed
everything went fine and is running perfectly :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you everyone for your help :thumbs_up:
@sdetweil in your Google settings and click security
you will see in their
@sdetweil I’m glad to see that this site response to bullying.
Bullying is unacceptable and they need to be accountable for it
@sdetweil thank you
I actually did the long way
144÷15 gave me 96
@sdetweil sorry I didn’t see your post until just now
@sdetweil hey thanks a lot. I appreciate that
I will definitely check it out
I kind of made my own. It’s very basic but seems to do the trick
it is menu-driven so I can choose which modules I want to backup or restore
I’m fairly new at writing scripts. They are a lot of fun
@NSpr this is true I’m running mine on the Linux operating system
@sdetweil sorry it’s been so long since I replied to this form.
So I wanted to just let you know I did make my own backup and restore scripts.
The backup is pretty simple. It just makes a copy of my modules folder and stores it in a safe place.
The restore is a little bit different. It will restore the module folder to its original location and then use npm install in each folder.
It worked perfectly
I tested it Under virtual disk. I install magic. Mayor the traditional way and then use my restore program and it worked perfectly.
I wanted to thank you for all your help and your ideas
@sdetweil I understand that now, but I already made it
and it works perfectly. in the future I will have 2 choices now
The reason I was looking for something like this. I want to generate a separate mirror for testing. That way if it crashes I won’t have to worry about it because all files and folders will be separated from the 2nd mirror folder
the 2 separate magic mirrors will work perfectly for me. I will definitely consider your 2nd option. In the future
Hello everyone.
First off I want to let you know I am new to all this and I’m learning a lot from everyone and having a lot of fun doing it.
I recently installed oneweathermap, The newer version where you just use your coordinates as well as your apikey. I did sign up and got my free key, but my problem is is always a hit and miss. Some days it’s very accurate and other days it’s off as much as 4 to 3°. What I have noticed when it gets to 68, It stops working. All other weather stations say it’s in the 70s am I doing something wrong here.the Coordinates that I’m using are Walnut Creek, California 37.9101,-122.0652 , which I got from Google search the original coordinates from oneweathermap showed the same response
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherForecast",
position: "top_right",
header: "Forecast",
config: {
apikey: "Mykey", //only string here
latitude: 37.9101, //number works here
longitude: -122.0652 //so does a string
from: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast.js
defaults: {
apikey: "",
latitude: "",
longitude: "",
updateInterval: 1, // minutes
requestDelay: 0,
language: config.language,
units: "imperial",
displayKmhForWind: false,
concise: true,
iconset: "3c",
colored: true,
useAnimatedIcons: true,
animateMainIconOnly: true,
animatedIconStartDelay: 1000,
mainIconSize: 100,
forecastIconSize: 70,
updateFadeSpeed: 500,
showFeelsLikeTemp: false,
showSummary: false,
showCurrentConditions: true,
showExtraCurrentConditions: true,
extraCurrentConditions: {
highLowTemp: true,
precipitation: true,
sunrise: true,
sunset: true,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: true,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: true,
visibility: false
forecastHeaderText: "Forecast",
forecastLayout: "tiled",
showHourlyForecast: false,
showHourlyTableHeaderRow: false,
hourlyForecastTableHeaderText: "Hourly",
hourlyForecastInterval: 3,
maxHourliesToShow: 3,
hourlyExtras: {
precipitation: true,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: false,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: false,
visibility: false
showDailyForecast: false,
showDailyTableHeaderRow: false,
dailyForecastTableHeaderText: "Daily",
maxDailiesToShow: 3,
dailyExtras: {
precipitation: true,
sunrise: false,
sunset: false,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: false,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: false
I’m thinking it’s because it’s a free subscription and is limited
Hope you can help
I just thought I’d throw it out there in case someone else runs into the same problem
so I found out what was going on with the calls being counted when my magic mirror wasn’t even up and running
so here’s what I found out
I have MMM-OpenWeatherForecast checking the temperature in two time zones
and one of the time zone I have set requestDelay: 250
this was done before the upgrade to 3.0 call abb
since then I have deleted one of the time zones
but forgot to delete requestDelay: 250 an error in my part
it turns out that the One Call API 3.0 was counting all the calls in that 250
in version 2.5 we didn’t have to worry about that
I totally agree with everything you said I do have two keys but I only use one
the only thing I can think of is maybe the 20 calls are a carryover from the previous day that’s the only thing I can think of
I shut down my mirror around 7 o’clock at night
and when I started up in the morning around 8 o’clock in the morning I would think there would only be one call
but when I looked it said there were 20
so like I said maybe it’s a carryover from the previous day
so tomorrow morning I’m going to conduct a test
I will check the website first to see if there any calls there before I start my mirror
if you want I will let you know
@MarcLandis yes I get that and I totally understand that
but that’s not my question maybe it can’t be answered
my magic mirror is on a computer when I boot the computer up in the morning it will automatically start magic mirror usually the first thing it checks is the weather
if I turn the computer off there should be no more calls to the weather app
so my original question would be if I turn my computer on first thing in the morning and I go to the weather app why does it say I already have 20 calls that’s my real question
@MarcLandis sorry for the misunderstanding there
when I activate my mirror and it checks the weather
@wishmaster270 yes I have mine set for 15
but that doesn’t explain why when I turn it on for the first time in the morning they already have 20 calls I don’t get that
So after getting everything set up with the new version 3.0 at
I turned on my mirror for the first time this morning and it displayed the weather
and so I went to just to check how many calls I made it already had me down for 20 calls
am I missing something here
the one that’s installed on my mirror is
@Ray origin (fetch)
origin (push)