When in January the new MM version comes out, I am finally going to reinstall my old setup.
if you used develop branch today, on jan 1, you could use my upgrade script and it will switch you back to master and do the update…
no need to wait if you have time now…
new release also needs a new version of node… SO much fun…
@MMRIZE It’s all good, it works fine now.
I’m now going to try to add buttons that let someone move to the next or previous week in the calendar, so I’ll probably have more questions soon… Thanks again.
@MMRIZE Thanks! Intl.dateTimeFormat worked once I realized what I was trying to compare against was wrong. Probably not actually portable for anyone else but works for me:
let isHoliday = holidays.some(holiday => {
return holiday === new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-CA').format(current)
Overall this isn’t the most efficient code I’ve written. Looping and counting days since a start date for every date cell is expensive. Tim to learn more javascript I guess.
ok, got it. i removed the square bracket from the symbol property like - symbol: “trash” ans everything works fine.
Screenshot is from your github Page