Found it
change line 100,
this.facts = data.body.all;
to this
this.facts = data.body;
Found it
change line 100,
this.facts = data.body.all;
to this
this.facts = data.body;
Been using Carousel for a few years now and it works great. You can have pretty much as many modules as you want circulate through with it.
I would like to have the ability to have each or individual modules timed to stay up longer or shorter time periods, but have not really dove into working out that small issue with carousel…
Yes it is in there.
I am going to turn in been sick for the last 2 days. worn out…
Take your time with it. I am in no hurry.
Will do.
Thank you for checking it out…
You are the Man, I knew it was something simple that I was overlooking. As they used to say, “I sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees”…
It only runs a patched version of stretch right now. I am able to do the project I was wanting to do with it… at $55 it is a little pricey and a LOT more work to get running debian, but it is doing the job. Finally found a wireless adapter for the Libre and it is rock steady… Only thing I do not like is I can not seem to get it to boot from a usb drive has to be from sd card…
Fun little learning experience…
I removed it with rm -rf MMM-Config
Then rebooted Pi
Then reinstalled with:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone https://github.com/sdetweil/MMM-Config
cd MMM-Config
npm install
threw all kinds of errors in shift+ctrl+i
So I went back to the
cd MMM_Config module and ran
git pull
git checkout with_installer
npm install
rebooted the Pi
Now it works.
Why I do not know.
But it does. I am going to try it out with MMM-MPlayer.
Thanks for the great work…
He has the MMM-MPlayer working in pages and I am now using pages and MPlayer in my main MM.
Kinda of cool to be able to show a RSTP camera or 2 again…
Yes it is in there.
I am going to turn in been sick for the last 2 days. worn out…
Take your time with it. I am in no hurry.
pi@CameraS:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Config $ dir
config.html form-client.js node_helper.js schema3_19492568968280.json translations
config_lastchange_19492568968280 MMM-Config.css node_modules schemas webform.css
create_form_for_module.cmd MMM-Config.js package.json scripts webform.js
create_form_for_module.sh MMM-Config.schema.json package-lock.json templates workdir
defaults_19492568968280.js module_installer postinstall test_convert.cmd
doc_images modules_lastchange_19492568968280 postinstall.cmd test_convert.sh
exec_script.js modules_list.txt README.md touch.cmd
When I ran it with review it came back.
Cannot GET /modules/MMM-Config/installer
Is that the installer page you are talking about?
Or is there something else I should try???
Ok did the git pull now I get the same thing but in a tan background color.
should i do the
git pull
git checkout with_installer
npm install
did that and it says everything is up to date.
I really hoped that would get it running.
Sounds like a very useful module.
All I am getting is this:
“Select all the modules you would like to install”
Nothing else it is just white below that …
So, I run 20+ modules using MMM-Carousel, they all work well together.
I added MMM-MPlayer and it took over, over rode carousel completely taking over MM. It would load about 10 seconds after pm2 restart mm.
Then it just stayed up, full screen, looking like it was the only module running. I figured out that the other modules where being run behind MMM-MPlayer by making it only a 1/4 of the screen size.
Does that make sense?
Do you use MMM-MPlayer with MMM-Carousel by chance?
When I put this in my config.js MMM-MPlayer runs out of turn over all the others and does not stop. Even when, I remove MMM-MPlayer from the MMM-Carousel list of modules. Any Idea what I did wrong? I remove mplayer and MMM-MPlayer to get it to stop.
module: "MMM-MPlayer",
disabled: false,
position: "top_left",
header: "MPlayer",
config: {
useTwoWindows: false,
layout: "row",
monitorAspect: 0,
rotate: -1,
windowSize: { width: 1900, height: 980 },
windowPosition: { x: 5, y: 225 },
streamInterval: 30000,
streams: {
window1: [
window2: [
My MMM-Carousel does not have a position and it works fine…