Found it
change line 100,
this.facts = data.body.all;
to this
this.facts = data.body;
Found it
change line 100,
this.facts = data.body.all;
to this
this.facts = data.body;
Been using Carousel for a few years now and it works great. You can have pretty much as many modules as you want circulate through with it.
I would like to have the ability to have each or individual modules timed to stay up longer or shorter time periods, but have not really dove into working out that small issue with carousel…
It only runs a patched version of stretch right now. I am able to do the project I was wanting to do with it… at $55 it is a little pricey and a LOT more work to get running debian, but it is doing the job. Finally found a wireless adapter for the Libre and it is rock steady… Only thing I do not like is I can not seem to get it to boot from a usb drive has to be from sd card…
Fun little learning experience…
You are the Man, I knew it was something simple that I was overlooking. As they used to say, “I sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees”…
I got this message when installing MM with your script.
(node:8435) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 close listeners added to [TLSSocket]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
Approximately 83 times, as close as I could get a count on them.
Is it anything I need to worry about.
I just made it work, I am so happy
the commands to start it are
pm2 start 0
and to stop
pm2 stop 0
works that is how my MagicMirror starts in the mornings and stops at night…
pm2 is like magic…
Thanks for the help
I will give it a run overnight and see how crontab handles the commands.
You always have an answer that triggers my thought process to make it work.
Thank you Sam I appreciate your efforts to teach us that are not too bright…
I figured out I had to remove the && ctrl C and now it just opens the one tab.
DISPLAY=:0 chromium
is all that is inside the Camera.sh file now, it now works.
So I can now start it up with crontab -e
I can use killall chromium and it shuts it down.
But then pm2 restarts it for me automatically.
How do I get pm2 to stop watching for the shut down?
DISPLAY=:0 chromium https://www.google.com &
opens the chromium web browser with google just fine, but then I get this error over and over again.
[4886:4886:1201/195513.105659:ERROR:gbm_wrapper.cc(79)] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2)
[4886:4886:1201/195513.105747:ERROR:gbm_wrapper.cc(262)] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
any idea why that would be happening? It doesn’t start until the web browser actually starts up on my screen. I can ctr c and it stops and the web browser stays running like I want it to.
I made a Camera.sh and pasted.
DISPLAY=:0 chromium & ^C
PM2 start Camera.sh
PM2 save
it works kind of, the problem now is it just keeps running and loading tab after tab until I kill it.
What am I not doing correctly.?
I am trying to get PM2 to start firefox when I boot raspi 4 running bookworm.
I have the browsers home page set to my tinycam pro web page display (local)
It works great if I start it manually but would like it to start from my crontab -e and shut down the same way I just do not understand the syntax I need to use to get Firefox to start using crontab.
Probably making it harder than it really is…
Thanks in advance.
You can try MMM-Fuel you have to use gasbuddy instead of autoblog.
It works for me at least for now…
Wow, Thanks, I finally figured out what you have been trying to tell me.
Found the wording to make it big enough to read now…
\Thanks for you help Sam…
What am I missing to get the gray line above the line to the same size. Here is my css.
.MMM-CoupleDays .header {
Font-size: 85px;
Line-Height: 87px;
Text-align: center;
.couple-days-content {
font-weight: 400;
Font-size: 85px;
.couple-days-wrapper {
font-weight: 400;
Font-size: 85px;
.couple-days-header {
font-weight: 400;
Font-size: 85px;
You can try changing from autoblog to gasbuddy. Works for me…