In an effort to help users NOT have to edit files to get started on different platforms we have added a new set of start options
each has a start and a start:dev (to open the developers window)
start, start-dev as before,
but launches the X11 commands which work ‘most’ of the time
start:x11, start-x11:dev
explictly named using the x11 DISPLAY variable
start:wayland, start-wayland:dev
on the new PI os with the waylan compositor
explictly named using the Wayland WAYLAND_DISPLAY variable
start:windows, start-windows:dev
for windows users
"start": "npm run start:x11",
"start:dev": "npm run start -- dev",
"start:wayland": "WAYLAND_DISPLAY=\"${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:=wayland-1}\" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland",
"start:wayland:dev": "npm run start:wayland -- dev",
"start:windows": ".\\node_modules\\.bin\\electron js\\electron.js",
"start:windows:dev": "npm run start:windows -- dev",
"start:x11": "DISPLAY=\"${DISPLAY:=:0}\" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js",
"start:x11:dev": "npm run start -- dev",
these can be found in package.json in the script:{} section