Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Google Photos API changing - MMM-GooglePhotos will stop working soon.
With the Google API changing , the MMM-GooglePhotos module is going to stop working Unless someone develops a way to utilize the new picker API. It looks like the users will need to select photos to share with the application.
This would change the workflow and I’m not sure how it would be implemented.
@gonzonia this is a really sad…
@sdetweil I know! This is the highlight of my MM. Without it, I think other members of my family will certainly be less impressed. I understand the logic on google’s part, but I wish there was a way on the photos side to share with the application instead of having to implement the picker in the application.
@gonzonia yeh… and the way I read the doc says you have to pick the individual media items… not a folder…
@sdetweil I have an idea but I’m not sure how to make it happen.
I’m not a module developer beyond being able to adjust some code here and there.Maybe if you have time, you can think about if it’s possible?
What if there was a config flag for “PickPhotos” that if it was true, it would open a picker interface. Then after it’s been done, the user can re-set it to false and the module can go back to just loading photos.
I’m sure there are some other tweaks to the API that will impact this but it’s the only thought I’ve had so far to implement something inside the existing framework.
@gonzonia one could launch a web app maybe via phone to access the picker?
@sdetweil Maybe. I don’t know how the picker stores the relationship to the app and the permissions. If it’s in the browser in some way, launching from a phone might not work. It might need to be from the browser on the MM.
@gonzonia it wont be in the browser, they will want to control it at the access level
@sdetweil so the user wouldn’t have to Re-select after an hour? That can’t be right.