[2.16.0] - 2021-07-01
Special thanks to the following contributors: @210954, @B1gG, @codac, @Crazylegstoo, @daniel, @earlman, @ezeholz, @FrancoisRmn, @jupadin, @khassel, @KristjanESPERANTO, @njwilliams, @oemel09, @r3wald, @rejas, @rico24, Faizan Ahmed.
Added French translations for “MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR” and “PRECIP”.
Added German translation for “PRECIP”.
Added Dutch translation for “WEEK”, “PRECIP”, “MODULE_CONFIG_CHANGED” and “MODULE_CONFIG_ERROR”.
Added first test for Alert module.
Added support for dateFormat when not using timeFormat: "absolute".
Added custom-properties for colors and fonts for improved styling experience, see custom.css.sample file.
Added custom-properties for gaps around body and between modules.
Added test case for recurring calendar events.
Added new Environment Canada provider for default WEATHER module (weather data for Canadian locations only).
Added list view for newsfeed module.
Added dev dependency jest, switching from mocha to jest.
Bump node-ical to v0.13.0 (now last runtime dependency using deprecated request package is removed).
Use codecov in informational mode.
Refactor code into es6 where possible (e.g. var -> let/const).
Use node v16 in github workflow (replacing node v10).
Moved some files into better suited directories.
Update dependencies in package.json, require node >= v12, remove rrule-alt and rrule.
Update dependencies in package.json and migrate husky to v6, fix husky setup in prod environment.
Cleaned up error handling in newsfeed and calendar modules for real.
Updated default WEATHER module such that a provider can optionally set a custom unit-of-measure for precipitation (weatherObject.precipitationUnits).
Update documentation.
Update jest tests: Reset changes on js/logger.js, mock logger.js in global_vars tests.
Update dependencies in package.json.
Switching from mocha to jest so removed following dev dependencies: chai, chai-as-promised, mocha, mocha-each, mocha-logger.
Fix calendar start function logging inconsistency.
Fix updatenotification start function logging inconsistency.
Checks and applies the showDescription setting for the newsfeed module again.
Fix issue with openweathermap not showing current or forecast info when using onecall API.
Fix tests in weather module and add one for decimalPoint in forecast.
Fix decimalSymbol in the forecast part of the new weather module (#2530).
Fix wrong treatment of appendLocationNameToHeader when using ukmetofficedatahub.
Fix alert not recognizing multiple alerts (#2522).
Fix fetch option httpsAgent to agent in calendar module (#466).
Fix module updatenotification which did not work for repos with many refs (#1907).
Fix config check failing when encountering let syntax (“Parsing error: Unexpected token config”).
Fix calendar debug check.
Really run prettier over all files.
Fix logger.js after jest changes, use --forceExit running jest.
Workaround for dev_console test using getWindowCount.