[2.14.0] - 2021-01-01
Special thanks to the following contributors: @Alvinger, @AndyPoms, @ashishtank, @bluemanos, @flopp999, @jakemulley, @jakobsarwary1, @marvai-vgtu, @mirontoli, @rejas, @sdetweil, @Snille & @Sub028.
ℹ️ Note: This update uses new dependencies. Please update using the following command: git pull && npm install.
Added new log level “debug” to the logger.
Added new parameter “useKmh” to weather module for displaying wind speed as kmh.
Chuvash translation.
Added Weatherbit as a provider to Weather module.
Added SMHI as a provider to Weather module.
Added Hindi & Gujarati translation.
Added optional support for DEGREE position in Feels like translation.
Added support for variables in nunjucks templates for translate filter.
Added Chuvash translation.
Calendar: new options “limitDays” and “coloredEvents”.
Added new option “limitDays” - limit the number of discreet days displayed.
Added new option “customEvents” - use custom symbol/color based on keyword in event title.
Added GitHub workflows for automated testing and changelog enforcement.
Merging .gitignore in the config-folder with the .gitignore in the root-folder.
Weather module - forecast now show TODAY and TOMORROW instead of weekday, to make it easier to understand.
Update dependencies to latest versions.
Update dependencies eslint, feedme, simple-git and to latest versions.
Update lithuanian translation.
Update config sample.
Highlight required version mismatch.
No select Text for TouchScreen use.
Corrected logic for timeFormat “relative” and “absolute”.
Added missing function call in
Translator variables can have falsy values (e.g. empty string)
Fix issue with weather module with DEGREE label in FEELS like
Removed Travis CI intergration.
JSON Parse translation files with comments crashing UI. (#2149)
Calendar parsing where RRULE bug returns wrong date, add Windows timezone name support. (#2145, #2151)
Wrong node-ical version installed (package.json) requested version. (#2153)
Fix calendar fetcher subsequent timing. (#2160)
Rename Greek translation to correct ISO 639-1 alpha-2 code (gr > el). (#2155)
Add a space after icons of sunrise and sunset. (#2169)
Fix calendar when no DTEND record found in event, startDate overlay when endDate set. (#2177)
Fix windspeed convertion error in ukmetoffice weather provider. (#2189)
Fix console.debug not having timestamps. (#2199)
Fix calendar full day event east of UTC start time. (#2200)
Fix non-fullday recurring rule processing. (#2216)
Catch errors when parsing calendar data with ical. (#2022)
Fix Default Alert Module does not hide black overlay when alert is dismissed manually. (#2228)
Weather module - Always displays night icons when local is other then English. (#2221)
Update Node-ical 0.12.4 , fix invalid RRULE format in cal entries
Fix package.json for optional electron dependency (2378)
Update node-ical version again, 0.12.5, change RRULE fix (#2371, #2379)
Remove undefined objects from modules array (#2382)
Update node-ical version again, 0.12.7, change RRULE fix (#2371, #2379), node-ical now throws error (which we catch)
Update simple-git version to 2.31 unhandled promise rejection (#2383)