Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[octomirror-module] Monitor & Control an OctoPrint 3D Printer Server
@barnosch said in [octomirror-module] Monitor & Control an OctoPrint 3D Printer Server:
Awesome. Thanks, dude.
made some little adustments to fit my needs.
The only thing which i think could be also interesting is maybe the temperatures of the nozzle and the bed?Hello, how did you do to resize the modules ?, I just could modify the viedeo stream but not the lettering. : D
 Hello, are you able to get the “showDetailsWhenOffline” option to work I have the latest version of Octoprint and the “CORS” option check, when Octoprint is off the display remains on the mirror.
Hi There,
That module is really great job !!
But i have one thing i cannot solve. How can i resize the module especially the size from the video stream ??
I tried with “width: XXX” but it doesn´t change anything. Also i can´t find a .css file to adjust.Maybe someone can help me? Because i don´t want to miss this module.
MArcus -
Thats also very interesting for me. Anybody an idea to hide the module when printer is offline / finished ? -
Thanks for the great Modul :call_me_hand:
Great module! I have one problem though - my mirror seems to stop updating the OctoPrint infos after some time - it then just says N/A… Anyone got an idea? Not refreshing anymore? Connection loss? Thanks!
Anyone an idea?
same on my side … no idea how to fix it -
In the readme it mentions viewing the G-code viewer. Is this implemented?
great job,is there a way for the stream to go left or right of the printer info?