I really like GoogleAssistant and now I want to use via voice control to activate MMM-Selfieshot to create a selfie, so I have to put " this.sendNotification(“SELFIE_SHOOT”) " somewhere in the GoogleAssistent to activate Selfieshot.
This is from documentation of MMM-Selfieshot:
by notification SELFIE_SHOOT
Your other module can make an order to take a picture (Button, Voice Commander, Sensors,…)
this.sendNotification(“SELFIE_SHOOT”, {
option: {
shootCountdown: 1,
displayResult: false,
playShutter: false,
displayCountdown: false,
// only these 4 properties are available.
this.sendNotification(“SELFIE_SHOOT”, {
option: { … },
callback: (result) => {
console.log(result) // It will have result.path and result.uri
SELFIE_EMPTY_STORE : You can remove all photos in store directory.
SELFIE_LAST : You can display last photo taken on screen.
Can someone tell me where I can put this code in GoogleAssistant and than I can via voice call start selfie?
Thank you