Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
After restart and updating raspberry MM will not starting
Hello, I have a Raspi 4 with the following system:
- Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Release: 11 Codename: bullseye
- Docker version 20.10.21 and Poratiner version 2.12.2 are installed on it.
- Magic_Mirror is also running as container on portainer
Now to my problem…
Every time if I restart the Raspi or install updates and restart the Raspi the MM will not longer working.
Currently solution to workng again:
- delete the container in the Portainer
- delete the volume in the container
- delete directory directly on the Raspi using rm -r “Magic_Mirror” (including the subdirectory.
After these steps I use the next spets to running MM again:
docker run -d
–publish 8181:8080
–restart always
–volume ~/magic_mirror/config:/opt/magic_mirror/config
–volume ~/magic_mirror/modules:/opt/magic_mirror/modules
–volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
–name Magic_Mirror
bastilimbach/docker-magicmirrorIn order for MM to run, I have to change the network connection of MM from “Bridge” to “Host” in Portainer. Then MM runs again. Why is that and where can I see why MM is causing difficulties? It’s annoying having to do the above steps every time you install updates and have to restart the device.
Other containers are running without problems after restart. It´s only the MM with the problems.
Thanks in advance. -
@aldisachen said in After restart and updating raspberry MM will not starting:
address: “localhost”,
this is a problem…
it means ONLY apps INSIDE the same system can connect. ie, from INSIDE the container
you want apps OUTSIDE the container to connect, the docker host or further away.
so you should change that to address:“”,
meaning over any network interface, without having to specify what it is.then you can run container in network bridge mode. it will get IP address 172. something…
@aldisachen this is a duplicate. don’t double post
Hello and sorry for this misstake,
Please delete the other duplicate post. Sorry again. Thanks. -
@aldisachen done
@aldisachen what is the address: setting in mm config.js?
what url do you use to access mm?
Hello all togehter, the config.js starts with:
/* Magic Mirror Config Sample
*- By Michael Teeuw
- MIT Licensed.
- For more information how you can configurate this file
- See
var config = {
address: “localhost”, // Address to listen on, can be:
// - “localhost”, “”, “::1” to listen on loopback interface
// - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface
// - “” to listen on any interface
// Default, when address config is left out, is “localhost”
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: [], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses
// or add a specific IPv4 of :
// [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”, “::ffff:”],
// or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format :
// [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”, “::ffff:”],and it will follow with the language, time format and so on and so on witch all the settings to display for the MM. Thnaks.
@aldisachen said in After restart and updating raspberry MM will not starting:
address: “localhost”,
this is a problem…
it means ONLY apps INSIDE the same system can connect. ie, from INSIDE the container
you want apps OUTSIDE the container to connect, the docker host or further away.
so you should change that to address:“”,
meaning over any network interface, without having to specify what it is.then you can run container in network bridge mode. it will get IP address 172. something…
Hello, I don´t understand what is nessssary to change in the config file. Can you please write down the right settings at the config file ?
I have no experience with that. Thanks. -
@aldisachen I did,
Hello together,
after change the Address from “localhost” to “” and restart the MM is runing without problems.
Now I can update and upgrade the system every day and not every month. It was not funny to do the same steps after restart and running the MM again. Thank you very much.