Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM Windows 10 Install
@Cochise open the developers window ctrl-shift-i on the keyboard and select the console tab
enter part of the module name in the filter field to see the module browser side messages
@sdetweil Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (unauthorized)
id=5128581&units =metric&lang=en&APPID=YOUR_OPENWEATHER_API_KEY -
@Cochise suppose you should put your apikey in the config
@sdetweil Indeed, I had applied the API Key to a sample config file. Like I said, still learning here. Working through everything it is two steps forward and three steps back. Trying to update the proper time zone, lost clock and day/date altogether
@Cochise MagicMirror is case sensitive
@sdetweil Spot on, managed to work through all of the bugs (with a great thanks to you Sir) and have a working/functioning MagicMirror running on Win 10…SOLVED!!!