Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
mmm googlephoto quota reached
hi all
my mmm google photo is not showing anything in the magicmirror.
this is the error code -
[26.11.2023 01:38.28.391] [ERROR] [GPHOTOS:CORE]
{“error”:{“code”:429,“message”:“Quota exceeded for quota metric ‘All requests’ and limit ‘All requests per day’ of service ‘’ for consumer ‘project_number:524777145159’.”,“status”:“RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED”,“details”:[{“@type”:“",“reason”:“RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED”,“domain”:“”,“metadata”:{“quota_location”:“global”,“quota_limit_value”:“10000”,“quota_limit”:“ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay”,“consumer”:“projects/524777145159”,“service”:“”,“quota_metric”:“”}},{“@type”:“”,“links”:[{“description”:"Request a higher quota limit.”,“url”:“”}]}]}}seems like a quota thing? what do i need to do fix this?
I wrote this module several years ago but I delegated the ownership to other. Anyway if not many things have changed, each startup(including by refresh of MM) will start a new scan. On each scan, it will consume a few calls to prepare scanning, and scanning itself will consume (the number of target pictures / 50) calls. Then each image may consume 1 call to be displayed.
So if you repeatedly refresh MM, that would be probably the reason.
Tomorrow, you will get the quota again. So just disable this module today, then reactivate it again tomorrow. -
The free tier of Google Photos API allows 10,000 calls in a day.-
Enlarge updateInterval
You probably have tons of pictures in your Google Fotos. Make a dedicated album to be used for this module then move selected pictures into it. This will prevent unnecessary scanning whole pictures on each roundup.
Remember this; If each photo is displayed in 10seconds, only 8640 pictures could be shown in a day. It will consume 8640calls. With 30 seconds, under 3000 images and 3000calls.
Scanning also consumes API calls. Your target album(s) may have 10,000 pictures. In this case just one time scanning will consume 200 API quota. If the module repeatedly scan every 30mins, 9600API would be consumed in 24 hours.
Or you can pay to Google to enlarge quota.
When does scanning happen? When you start mirror in that instant? Suppose I’m editing css and I hit refresh, that refresh state will trigger a scanning?
I’m on a 30 sec interval, so 1 day it can show 2880 images right? Then when does call comes in?
How is it that I hit the quota so fast? Could it be the “refresh”?
I wrote this module several years ago but I delegated the ownership to other. Anyway if not many things have changed, each startup(including by refresh of MM) will start a new scan. On each scan, it will consume a few calls to prepare scanning, and scanning itself will consume (the number of target pictures / 50) calls. Then each image may consume 1 call to be displayed.
So if you repeatedly refresh MM, that would be probably the reason.
Tomorrow, you will get the quota again. So just disable this module today, then reactivate it again tomorrow. -
@MMRIZE I left my mirror on with the background. Will it auto reset on its own or down I have to disable the module and enable and restart the mirror tml? I assumed letting it sit there with a black background and let it auto refresh is fine?