Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Profile switcher and adafruit fingerprint
Your python script could send HTTP request directly or by using curl.
There are several modules which can get RESTful HTTP request.
MMM-NotificationTrigger is one of them. It can listen some REQUEST and can translate it into some notification whichever.
Or As far as I know MMM-Remote-Control can listen REQUEST also. -
Gracias por la respuesta, lo probaré y comentaré el resultado.
Thanks for the reply, I’ll try it and comment on the result
Buenas tardes:
He estado probando con MMM-remote-control y no hay manera, no sé como hacer que simplemente muestre una alerta desde my módulo python. Os pongo lo que envío:
payload = {
“action” : “SHOW_ALERT”,
“message” : “adios”,
“timer” : 4,
“title” : “hola”,
“type” : “alert”
r = requests.get(“http://localhost:8080”,data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
y recobo una respuesta 200 http pero no muestra nada en el espejo.
Tampoco he sabido encontrar cómo llegan o dónde llega la notificacion.
¿Como debo actuar? ¿Que hago mal?Saludos
Good afternoon:
I have been testing with MMM-remote-control and there is no way, I do not know how to make it simply show an alert from my python module. I put what I send:
headers = {“Content-Type”: “application / json”}
payload = {
“action”: “SHOW_ALERT”,
“message”: “goodbye”,
“timer”: 4,
“title”: “hello”,
“type”: “alert”
r = requests.get (“http: // localhost: 8080”, data = json.dumps (payload), headers = headers)
and I pick up an answer 200 http but it shows nothing in the mirror.
Neither have I been able to find how they arrive or where the notification arrives.
How should I act? What do I do wrong?regards
Buenos días:
De momento he conseguido poder mostrar alertas a traves de curl, reinstalando todo desde cero e instalando primero mmm_api y despues mmm_remote_control, ahora la duda la tengo con la forma de enviar mediante peticiones get o post desde requests en python. ¿Alguna sugerencia o ejemplo?
Gracias por adelantadoGood Morning:
At the moment I have managed to show alerts through curl, reinstalling everything from scratch and installing first mmm_api and then mmm_remote_control, now I have the question with the way to send via get or post requests from requests in python. Any suggestions or examples?
Thanks in advance -
import requests response = requests.get('http://localhost:8080/endpoint') print response.status_code
Bueno, volvemos al tema:
Ahora estoy probando con el modulo MMM-Page-Selector, y no tengo nada claro como debo mandar la petición request.
La que mando es:
r = requests.get(“http://192.168.xx.xx:8080/api/modules/MMM-Page-Selector?PAGE_SELECT=xxxxxx”
A lo que se me responde un http 400 (¿bad request?)
¿En que me equivoco?Saludos y gracias por adelantado
Well, we return to the topic:
Now I’m testing with the MMM-Page-Selector module, and I’m not sure how to send the request request.
The one I command is:
r = requests.get (“http: //192.168.xx.xx: 8080 / api / modules / MMM-Page-Selector? PAGE_SELECT = xxxxxx”
To which I answered an http 400 (bad request?)
What is wrong?Greetings and thanks in advance