Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Combination MMM-Carousel, MMM-OnScreenMenu & MMM-Keybindings
I have combined the 3 Modules MMM-Carousel, MMM-OnScreenMenu and MMM-KeyBindings.
But I dont get the Keyboard-Thing…{ module: 'MMM-KeyBindings', config: { evdev: { enabled: false }, // enableKeyboard: true, } }, { module: 'MMM-Carousel', position: 'bottom_bar', // Required only for navigation controls config: { transitionInterval: 10000, ignoreModules: ['clock', 'alert', 'MMM-OnScreenMenu'], mode: 'slides', slideTransitionSpeed: 1500, showPageIndicators: true, showPageControls: true, slides: { main: ['calendar', 'compliments', 'currentweather'], "Slide 2": ['weatherforecast', 'mvgmunich', 'MMM-AVStock', 'newsfeed'], "Slide 3": ['MMM-LICE'] }, keyBindings: { enabled: true, map: { NextSlide: "ArrowRight", PrevSlide: "ArrowLeft", Slide0: "Home", }, mode: "DEFAULT" } } }, { module: 'MMM-OnScreenMenu', position: 'bottom_left', /* Valid positions: 'top_right', 'top_left', 'bottom_right', 'bottom_left' */ config: { touchMode: true, menuItems: { monitorOff: { title: "Turn Off Monitor", icon: "television", source: "SERVER" }, restart: { title: "Restart MagicMirror", icon: "recycle", source: "ALL" }, refresh: { title: "Refresh MagicMirror", icon: "refresh", source: "LOCAL" }, reboot: { title: "Reboot", icon: "spinner", source: "ALL" }, shutdown: { title: "Shutdown", icon: "power-off", source: "ALL" }, }, enableKeyboard: true, enableKeyBindings: true, keyBindingsMode: "OSM", keyBindings: { enabled: true, map: { Up: "ArrowUp", Down : "ArrowDown", Select: "Enter", Close: "Return", Menu: "Menu", }, kbMultiInstance: true, keyBindingsTakeFocus: "Menu", menuName: "Main", } }
At the Moment, only the OnScreenMenu reacts on pressing the Menu-Key… When I change the “// enableKeyboard: true,” in
KeyBindings-config, the Carousel reacts on the Arrow-Keys for sliding
the different Mirror-Screens…
But I can’t get it to work with BOOTH Modules, ScreenMenu AND Carousel…So when I press left & right Arrow for sliding, while pressing
Menu/ArrowUp/Down for the Menu and choosing a Option…Can anyone point to the right Direction, please?
Hi, cant really help here. But do you mind sharing what you did to make MMM-Kebindings work? Im really stuck there :(
trying to change page based of a key press -
I’m not sure, wheter Keybindings really works, since only OnScreenMenu reacts on pressing the Menu Key.
I’ve played around the last Month with Enabling Keybindings in every of the Modules (OnScreenMenu,Key-
Bindings,Carousel) by changing that… Never got it to work…
I found out, that the hidden Mousecoursor, when its “over” the Arrows of Carousel, reacts on pressing them.
So I am able to control them by Mouse, at least…
the Rest I never get to work together…KeyBindings is still Default, as you can see above…