Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Cannot find module "moment"
@uok825 said in Cannot find module "moment":
Cannot find module ‘please-upgrade-node’
for every cannot find module, repeat
in the MagicMirror foldernpm install missing_name
not sure on the rss feed thing… I see the output, but it doesn’t look like a normal xml feed doc
@sdetweil I’ll delete cointelegraph. Now i am working on LICE module. I am changed that module code.
@uok825 said in Cannot find module "moment":
Now i am working on LICE module. I am changed that module code.
ok, I was looking at the original code and couldn’t find a useful line 27
typically $ is jquery
but the module doesn’t say it needs it…
no package.json for dependencies and the node_helper doesn’t require it -
/* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-LICE * * By Mykle1 * */ const NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); const request = require('request'); const $ = require('cheerio'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { console.log("Starting node_helper for: " +; }, getLICE: function(url) { request({ url: '', method: 'GET' }, (error, response, body) => { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { var arr = [] var result = ($('.fiyat',body)); result.each((_id,el) => (arr.push(el.children[0]['data']))) var result = ($('h2[id=gfiy]',body)); result.each((_id,el) => (arr.push(el.children[0]['data']))) this.sendSocketNotification('LICE_RESULT', arr); } }); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'GET_LICE') { this.getLICE(payload); } } });
@uok825 yep, that’ll do it…
npm install cheerio
my updater would have fixed all this IF there was a package.json file that documented the dependencies
npm install request cheerio --save
@sdetweil Thanks man. You are the best.
@uok825 in the module folder do
npm initanswer the questions as best u can, ignore them if u can’t
npm install request cheerio --savethen update your git repo with the new package.json file
@sdetweil Now im doing the npm install request cheerio --save . Should I continue or cancel?
Still samepi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-LICE $ pm2 logs [TAILING] Tailing last 15 lines for [all] processes (change the value with --lines option) /home/pi/.pm2/pm2.log last 15 lines: PM2 | 2021-07-26T02:05:51: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] starting in -fork mode- PM2 | 2021-07-26T02:05:52: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] online /home/pi/.pm2/logs/MagicMirror-error.log last 15 lines: 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.033] [WARN] The module 'currentweather' is deprecated in favor of the 'weather'-module, please refer to the documentation for a migration path 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.065] [WARN] The module 'weatherforecast' is deprecated in favor of the 'weather'-module, please refer to the documentation for a migration path /home/pi/.pm2/logs/MagicMirror-out.log last 15 lines: 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.048] [LOG] Connecting socket for: weatherforecast 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.074] [LOG] Connecting socket for: newsfeed 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.090] [LOG] Starting node helper for: newsfeed 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.102] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-cryptocurrency 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.112] [LOG] Cryptocurrency module loaded! 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.128] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-MyPrayerTimes 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.144] [LOG] Starting node_helper for: MMM-MyPrayerTimes 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.159] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-LICE 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.174] [LOG] Starting node_helper for: MMM-LICE 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.187] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-PIR 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.202] [LOG] Starting module helper: MMM-PIR 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.211] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... 0|MagicMir | [26.07.2021 02:06.21.221] [LOG] 0|MagicMir | Ready to go! Please point your browser to: 0|MagicMir | Starting chromium browser now, have patience, it takes a minute 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.03.737] [LOG] 0|MagicMirror | Create new calendarfetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.05.785] [LOG] 0|MagicMirror | Create new newsfetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.07.210] [LOG] 0|MagicMirror | Create new newsfetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.15.652] [ERROR] 0|MagicMirror | Whoops! There was an uncaught exception... 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.15.761] [ERROR] 0|MagicMirror | TypeError: $ is not a function 0|MagicMirror | at Request.request [as _callback] (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-LICE/node_helper.js:27:27) 0|MagicMirror | at Request.self.callback (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-LICE/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) 0|MagicMirror | at Request.emit (events.js:198:13) 0|MagicMirror | at Request.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-LICE/node_modules/request/request.js:1154:10) 0|MagicMirror | at Request.emit (events.js:198:13) 0|MagicMirror | at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-LICE/node_modules/request/request.js:1076:12) 0|MagicMirror | at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:286:20) 0|MagicMirror | at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:203:15) 0|MagicMirror | at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12) 0|MagicMirror | at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19) 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.15.803] [ERROR] MagicMirror will not quit, but it might be a good idea to check why this happened. Maybe no internet connection? 0|MagicMirror | [26.07.2021 02:08.15.842] [ERROR] If you think this really is an issue, please open an issue on GitHub: