Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Black Screen on Startup
Just did a reinstall of MM and it launched perfectly. Changed the location ID for the weather and included my api key and relaucnhed. Worked perfectly. Changed the news RSS to a local news RSS and it launched to a black screen. Replaced with the default news RSS and it launched again to a black screen. Changed the whole config back to the original and still launching to black.
I am using npm start. If i go into the browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ I can see a working magic mirror.
@Jasaronii guessing
Do thiscd ~ /MagicMirror git checkout modules/node_modules/node_helper/index.js
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ git checkout modules/node_modules/node_helper/index.js pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $
Nothing installed if that’s what was supposed to happen. I am missing that folder and file however, when I go looking.
I had a similar issue following a reinstall on a Pi 3B, where known good module configurations simply gave a black screen (though the sample config file did initially work but then gave the same black screen after other modules were installed).
I was also missing ‘node_helper’ folder and ‘index.js’ file as you describe.
Manually installed the ‘node_helper’ folder and copied in the ‘index.js’ file (from the github page
Restarted and now all good. :-)
@Jasaronii and restart the mirror app
@norm you can get the file from the local git repo with that checkout comand
I am not very familiar with the various git commands beyond ‘clone’, but as @jasaronii said above, that git checkout command did nothing, hence manual approach.
But thanks for the guess - inspired and very helpful.
@norm no. It didn’t give an error. So it did the job I said it would do.
Then he needs to restart the magicmirror
Yes and no:
Yes - it did not give any error message.
No - it did not install the folder and file.To recap:
I did a new install using the bash auto install script, but for whatever reason the node_helper sub-folder and index.js file were not installed.
Running the git checkout command similarly did not install the sub-folder and file (as the sub-folder and file were not originally installed, it seems logical to me that the git checkout command would not ‘reinstall’ them).
Installed the missing sub-folder and file manually.
Re-started with “pm2 restart mm”.I guess the pertinent question is why the original install exercise did not include the node_helper sub-folder and index.js file???
@norm I do not know why. The file is included in the GitHub repo. It has always been installed so far