Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
remotecompliments disappeared - please help
@forjer also look in the developers window, ctrl-shift-i, select the tab labeled console and scroll up to see any errors…
@sdetweil Was I supposed to add something to get more lines? I’m pretty new to all of this.
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ pm2 logs [TAILING] Tailing last 15 lines for [all] processes (change the value with --lines option) /home/pi/.pm2/pm2.log last 15 lines: PM2 | 2020-12-28T18:00:03: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] online PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: Change detected on path config/config.js for app MagicMirror - restarting PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: Stopping app:MagicMirror id:0 PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: pid=3424 msg=failed to kill - retrying in 100ms PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT] PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: pid=3424 msg=process killed PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] starting in -fork mode- PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:14:35: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] online PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: Change detected on path config/config.js for app MagicMirror - restarting PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: Stopping app:MagicMirror id:0 PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: pid=9872 msg=failed to kill - retrying in 100ms PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT] PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: pid=9872 msg=process killed PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] starting in -fork mode- PM2 | 2020-12-28T19:19:09: PM2 log: App [MagicMirror:0] online /home/pi/.pm2/logs/MagicMirror-error.log last 15 lines: 0|MagicMir | 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2020-12-28T20_32_36_217Z-debug.log 0|MagicMir | 0|MagicMir | (electron:1239): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:32:38.725: cannot open display: :0 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! errno 1 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! magicmirror@2.13.0 start: `DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js` 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! Exit status 1 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! Failed at the magicmirror@2.13.0 start script. 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 0|MagicMir | 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: 0|MagicMir | npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2020-12-28T20_32_38_794Z-debug.log /home/pi/.pm2/logs/MagicMirror-out.log last 15 lines: 0|MagicMir | > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js 0|MagicMir | 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:14.178] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.13.0 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:14.191] [LOG] Loading config ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:14.205] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:14.209] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:18.830] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:18.832] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-RemoteCompliments 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:18.833] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.135] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.160] [LOG] Server started ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.162] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-RemoteCompliments 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.171] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-RemoteCompliments 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.172] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... 0|MagicMir | [2020-12-28 19:19:19.313] [LOG] Launching application.
@sdetweil In the developers window, it looks like I’ve got 3 errors, 1 warning and 1 issue. I’m not sure the right way to capture and post them.
@sdetweil said in remotecompliments disappeared - please help:
oing this over ssh,
I’m logged in directly. And thanks for giving it a look.
Developers window Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT translator.js:7 Missing key in translation token "global:" n @ translator.js:7 3favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
@forjer i think u are looking at the web site window not the mm window
what pi is this?
@sdetweil As I said…I’m pretty new at this. Lol.
I’ve commented out all modules except the clock and MMM-RemoteCompliments.
main.js:487 Initializing MagicMirror. translator.js:129 Loading core translation file: translations/en.json translator.js:154 Loading core translation fallback file: translations/en.json loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/clock//clock.js module.js:513 Module registered: clock loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: clock loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/suncalc/suncalc.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: clock loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/default/clock/clock_styles.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: clock loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: clock loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-RemoteCompliments//MMM-RemoteCompliments.js module.js:513 Module registered: MMM-RemoteCompliments loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-RemoteCompliments loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-RemoteCompliments//scripts/jquery-3.3.1.min.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-RemoteCompliments loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-RemoteCompliments loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-RemoteCompliments loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: css/custom.css :8080/modules/default/clock//clock.js:46 Starting module: clock main.js:508 All modules started! /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:95 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Resources) This renderer process loads resources using insecure protocols.This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks. Consider loading the following resources over HTTPS or FTPS. - http://localhost:8080/css/main.css - http://localhost:8080/fonts/roboto.css - http://localhost:8080/ - http://localhost:8080/vendor/node_modules/nunjucks/browser/nunjucks.min.js - http://localhost:8080/js/defaults.js - http://localhost:8080/config/config.js - http://localhost:8080/vendor/vendor.js - http://localhost:8080/modules/default/defaultmodules.js - http://localhost:8080/js/logger.js - http://localhost:8080/translations/translations.js - http://localhost:8080/js/translator.js - http://localhost:8080/js/class.js - http://localhost:8080/js/module.js - http://localhost:8080/js/loader.js - http://localhost:8080/js/socketclient.js - http://localhost:8080/js/main.js - http://localhost:8080/fonts/node_modules/roboto-fontface/fonts/roboto-condensed/Roboto-Condensed-Regular.woff2 - http://localhost:8080/translations/en.json - http://localhost:8080/translations/en.json - http://localhost:8080/modules/default/clock//clock.js - http://localhost:8080/vendor/node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js - http://localhost:8080/vendor/node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js - http://localhost:8080/vendor/node_modules/suncalc/suncalc.js - http://localhost:8080/modules/default/clock/clock_styles.css - http://localhost:8080/modules/MMM-RemoteCompliments//MMM-RemoteCompliments.js - http://localhost:8080/modules/MMM-RemoteCompliments//scripts/jquery-3.3.1.min.js - http://localhost:8080/css/custom.css For more information and help, consult This warning will not show up once the app is packaged. warnAboutInsecureResources @ /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:95 /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:145 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks. For more information and help, consult This warning will not show up once the app is packaged.
@sdetweil And it’s a 3 B+
@forjer show me the config for those modules…
do u have a position set for compliments -
@sdetweil I originally had a position of “upper_third” set but removed that yesterday when I started manually debugging. I just added it back in now as shown below with no change to the behavior…still no remote compliments showing.
Here’s my clock…
{ module: "clock", position: "top_center" },
This is how my remote compliments looked yesterday before I started manually debugging…
{ module: "MMM-RemoteCompliments", header: "", position: "upper_third", config: { header: "MMM-RemoteCompliments", fetchInterval: 4000, } },
This is what I had at the time I ran the above developers window and pm2 log…
{ module: "MMM-RemoteCompliments", header: "MMM-RemoteCompliments", config: { // See below for configurable options } },
And I just threw the position back in with no change to the behavior…no remotecompliments showing whatsoever…
module: “MMM-RemoteCompliments”,
position: “upper_third”,
header: “MMM-RemoteCompliments”,
config: {
// See below for configurable options