Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Help please!!
@innovation no…
qrcp --help
exiftran --help -
@sdetweil It says ‘command not found’
@innovation k… hang on
@sdetweil also command not found
@barlouka ok, go to the module folder and do git pull
then do npm install again
then test qrcp --help
@sdetweil It still shows command not found
@innovation yeh, crazy… how it ever worked before I don’t know
ONE more time git pull, npm install
@sdetweil Haha sure! Just to clarify in
‘-/MagicMirror/modules/uploadPics’ folder in the terminal right? -
@innovation but the module wants RELATIVE to it… NOT absolute
SO, …/MMM-ImagesPhotos/upload
… means back up one level
and, if you are using the MMM-ImagesPhotos module to display images, then the uploadPics dest: default is …/MMM-ImagesPhotos/upload
from the readme
dest: "..", // relative path to module showing images, place to put new images // for MMM-ImagesPhotos dest is (the default) // ../modules/MMMM-ImagesPhotos/uploads
@sdetweil Yes, it still is showing undefined though