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How to interact with the news module?
Hi All,
I want to interact with the default news module by being able to press it and show the website of the news/a pop up.
It is supposed to be ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS but I am not sure where to put this code in nor how to activate this function.
Would appreciate some pointers!Also, could the calendar module allow scrolling/interactive function?
@clhe0423 it just goes in the config;{} section of the newsreader module.
but you can’t ‘touch’ to do anything
not on calendar either.
mm is an output only medium…
hi sam,
thanks for replying me.
the code below isn’t working though…not sure where to put it :({ module: "newsfeed", position: "lower_third", config: { feeds: [ { title: "The Star", url: "" }, { title: "Malay Mail", url: "" }, ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true, articleMoreDetails:true, this.sendNotification('ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS'); } },
@clhe0423 it goes before the feeds: [] list as it is not about a specific feed…
and the this. line doesn’t go in config.js
and you should practice aligning the {} and [] and indenting the things inside each
you have 1 too many }
oh dear, am a bit lost in this as coding is all new to me
don’t really understand where to place this ‘ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS’ part in the code…:({ module: "newsfeed", position: "lower_third", config: { 'ARTICLE_MORE_DETAILS' feeds: [ { title: "The Star", url: "" }, { title: "Malay Mail", url: "" }, ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true, articleMoreDetails:true, } },
@clhe0423 said in How to interact with the news module?:
u did
that text above is useless…
the module layout in confg.js is
{ module:"modulename", position:"someposition", disabled: true or false, classes:"somestring if u want more", config : { // everything to configure the module goes inside here // all parms NOT related to a SPECIFIC feed (but all feeds in this case) settingname: settingvalue, .. .. setting_list: [ // like feeds { // feed 1 // all parms related to a specific feed feed_parm1:" feed_parm1_value", feed_parm2:"feed_pamr2_value" }, { // feed 2 ... } ] } }
also, EVERY parm is name:value never just a string of text
and general rules
the thing the the left of ';' does not need quotes the thing to the right of colon is a number (1234, 1234.5) or true/false, does not need quotes otherwise if needs quotes if it contains letters 1234, some_street, fred, sue, when u get to the end of a line, ask yourself, is ther MORE to this setting? if so, this line should end with a comma , comma means more to come
if u see an error ‘unexpected token’,
that USUALLY means missing comma on the line prior to the error line
the rest of the (usually) is a missing close } or ] -
@clhe0423 You can find here an example how it is used in MMM-Gestures: &
Does the interaction with the news module only work for this MMM-Gesture module?
As I read through the description, yes I am looking for a module that would allow me to interact with the news module, meaning if I press the “read more” button it would bring me to another page or use the Iframe to show the news.
I have an IR screen so I can touch the screen using that frame, but the hardware required in this Gesture module requires different sensors?