Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
install MM2.18 on win10 pc
@sdetweil - thanks for the info. now it is working fine .
I got MM working under Win10 and most of the apps are working.
but in the end I prefere more the linux, so I installed debian, git, nodejs, and MM.
When to start the MM i get following message
Although I updated the package.json file and corrected accoring the instructions, I still get an error message.What else is missing?
well, the output says that the \ wasn’t right as it removed all the slashes and made 1 big string…
because u posted screenshots and not text I can’t show more
what node/npm versions did u install ??
npm -v
node -v -
npm is version 8.5.2
node = 17.7.2 -
@sdetweil said in install MM2.18 on win10 pc:
because u posted screenshots and not text I can’t show more
Do you want the content of the package.json file?
{ "name": "magicmirror", "version": "2.18.0", "description": "The open source modular smart mirror platform.", "main": "js/electron.js", "scripts": { "start": "node_modules\\.bin\\electron js\\electron.js", "start:dev": "DISPLAY=\"${DISPLAY:=:0}\" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js dev", "server": "node ./serveronly", "install": "echo \"Installing vendor files ...\n\" && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error", "install-fonts": "echo \"Installing fonts ...\n\" && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error", "postinstall": "npm run install-fonts && echo \"MagicMirror installation finished successfully! \n\"", "test": "NODE_ENV=test jest -i --forceExit", "test:coverage": "NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text jest -i --forceExit", "test:electron": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects electron -i --forceExit", "test:e2e": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects e2e -i --forceExit", "test:unit": "NODE_ENV=test jest --selectProjects unit -i --forceExit", "test:prettier": "prettier . --check", "test:js": "eslint 'js/**/*.js' 'modules/default/**/*.js' 'clientonly/*.js' 'serveronly/*.js' 'translations/*.js' 'vendor/*.js' 'tests/**/*.js' 'config/*' --config .eslintrc.json", "test:css": "stylelint 'css/main.css' 'fonts/*.css' 'modules/default/**/*.css' 'vendor/*.css' --config .stylelintrc.json", "test:calendar": "node ./modules/default/calendar/debug.js", "config:check": "node js/check_config.js", "lint:prettier": "prettier . --write", "lint:js": "eslint 'js/**/*.js' 'modules/default/**/*.js' 'clientonly/*.js' 'serveronly/*.js' 'translations/*.js' 'vendor/*.js' 'tests/**/*.js' 'config/*' --config .eslintrc.json --fix", "lint:css": "stylelint 'css/main.css' 'fonts/*.css' 'modules/default/**/*.css' 'vendor/*.css' --config .stylelintrc.json --fix", "lint:staged": "pretty-quick --staged", "prepare": "[ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky install || echo no husky installed." },
I also installed MM on Ubuntu V20.4 and I have exactly the same message as I get on Debian.
@sdetweil On Ubuntu I used node 16.14.2 and npm 8.5.5 while on Debian I used node 17.7.2 and npm 8.5.2. And both seems to give me the same error message
@Johans on linux, if you use my script, it does everything… installs node, npm … tools (git, …) etc
trying to recreate now
I use Ubuntu as my desktop and dev environment, so i know it works there…
you don’t use sudo, install as normal user, not root.
must have the desktop version of OS (as the browsers draws graphics which requires the graphical env)show me the ~/install.log
(you can send to my email, same userid at gmail) -
@Johans on my windows 11 with 16.9.0 (node version) and package.js start line like this
"start": "node_modules\\.bin\\electron js\\electron.js",
I see this is the startup messages
> node_modules\.bin\electron js\electron.js
I see the same results on node 17.7.2