Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Has anyone integrated the “invititations” (kallelser) from into their Magic Mirror? (Svenskalag is a site for keeping track of your kids’ football trainings & matches, etc.)
They do provide a calendar export function, but it will show you every training by every team in the club, making it useless. I want to see just my kids’ trainings, and just the ones they will actually attend.
I am pondering creating a simple scraping thingie that will in the end produce an .ics , which will be consumed by the Calendar Module.
Thoughts on this?
@Henrik you might be able to use the excludedEvents:property to remove all the other
also, if you pull down the ics , it is just a text file… so this might make cleaning easier
curl -sL the_cal_url >somefile.txt
then u can look at filtering out events
they start with
and end
@sdetweil Thanks, however that file does not contain info on how we have responded to the invitations! (e.g., are we attending the training/match in question?)
I’ll have to do the scraping, I believe.
I have now had time to wrap this up! It’s not a MM module, but a combination of shell and python scripts that in the end produce ics files, that are then consumed by the Calendar module. Works like a charm so far.
In case this’d be useful to anyone else, just ping me and I’ll share the details.
@Henrik nice work