Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Google calendar missing items or showing wrong times
@kopd42 interesting one
the rrule is
{ "rrule": { "_cache": { "all": false, "before": [], "after": [], "between": [] }, "origOptions": { "tzid": "America/New_York", "dtstart": "2023-01-19T14:30:00.000Z", "freq": 2, "byweekday": [ { "weekday": 3 } ] }, "options": { "freq": 2, "dtstart": "2023-01-19T14:30:00.000Z", "interval": 1, "wkst": 0, "count": null, "until": null, "tzid": "America/New_York", "bysetpos": null, "bymonth": null, "bymonthday": [], "bynmonthday": [], "byyearday": null, "byweekno": null, "byweekday": [ 3 ], "bynweekday": null, "byhour": [ 14 ], "byminute": [ 30 ], "bysecond": [ 0 ], "byeaster": null } } }
[17.01.2023 18:37.29.125] [DEBUG] start: Thu Jan 19 2023 08:30:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) [17.01.2023 18:37.29.125] [DEBUG] end:: Thu Jan 19 2023 09:00:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) [17.01.2023 18:37.29.125] [DEBUG] duration: 1800000
then we ask for dates between
[17.01.2023 18:37.29.126] [DEBUG] Search for recurring events between: Tue Jan 17 2023 18:37:29 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) ( now) and Tue Jan 16 2024 23:59:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
and get back, for central time
with dates: ["2023-01-19T13:30:00.000Z","2023-01-26T13:30:00.000Z","2023-02-02T13:30:00.000Z","2023-02-09T13:30:00.000Z","2023-02-16T13:30:00.000Z","2023-02-23T13:30:00.000Z","2023-03-02T13:30:00.000Z","2023-03-09T13:30:00.000Z","2023-03-16T13:30:00.000Z","2023-03-23T13:30:00.000Z","2023-03-30T13:30:00.000Z","2023-04-06T13:30:00.000Z","2023-04-13T13:30:00.000Z","2023-04-20T13:30:00.000Z","2023-04-27T13:30:00.000Z","2023-05-04T13:30:00.000Z","2023-05-11T13:30:00.000Z","2023-05-18T13:30:00.000Z","2023-05-25T13:30:00.000Z","2023-06-01T13:30:00.000Z","2023-06-08T13:30:00.000Z","2023-06-15T13:30:00.000Z","2023-06-22T13:30:00.000Z","2023-06-29T13:30:00.000Z","2023-07-06T13:30:00.000Z","2023-07-13T13:30:00.000Z","2023-07-20T13:30:00.000Z","2023-07-27T13:30:00.000Z","2023-08-03T13:30:00.000Z","2023-08-10T13:30:00.000Z","2023-08-17T13:30:00.000Z","2023-08-24T13:30:00.000Z","2023-08-31T13:30:00.000Z","2023-09-07T13:30:00.000Z","2023-09-14T13:30:00.000Z","2023-09-21T13:30:00.000Z","2023-09-28T13:30:00.000Z","2023-10-05T13:30:00.000Z","2023-10-12T13:30:00.000Z","2023-10-19T13:30:00.000Z","2023-10-26T13:30:00.000Z","2023-11-02T13:30:00.000Z","2023-11-09T13:30:00.000Z","2023-11-16T13:30:00.000Z","2023-11-23T13:30:00.000Z","2023-11-30T13:30:00.000Z","2023-12-07T13:30:00.000Z","2023-12-14T13:30:00.000Z","2023-12-21T13:30:00.000Z","2023-12-28T13:30:00.000Z","2024-01-04T13:30:00.000Z","2024-01-11T13:30:00.000Z"]
all still good.
but there is a recurrence entry for 20230119, but not in the ics
recurrence overrides cal entry (aka meaning it was modified outside the cycle, but… I don’t see it in the data )[17.01.2023 18:37.29.144] [DEBUG] event.recurrences: [object Object] [17.01.2023 18:37.29.144] [DEBUG] recurring date is Thu Jan 19 2023 07:30:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) offset is 360 [17.01.2023 18:37.29.145] [DEBUG] recurring date is Thu Jan 19 2023 07:30:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) offset is 6 Hour is 07 [17.01.2023 18:37.29.145] [DEBUG] Corrected startDate: Thu Jan 19 2023 07:30:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
all this data is from code thats not ours… parser or rrule
will keep investigating
actually I think this is our good friend rrule.between again…
the event time is STILL 14:30 UTC time… not 13:30.
@kopd42 sent you file in email w maybe fix
I’ve had some similar issues with Google Calendar data and I’ve had to delete and recreate some events that are strange. Some birthdays (recurring yearly all-day events) seemed to be the most problematic, but I had a simple one-time event be off by an hour last week. Removing and recreating is what I had to do to get it fixed.
@shizzlesticks I’ve seen some recurrent events in the ics that don’t work, but move the yearly to the end of the rule, and all is well. not our code. .
haven’t come up with a solid cure yet