Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Calendar and events
Im using calendar module and mmm-cal3
I think I am somewhat content with my board except for two issues I have is my list calendar is showing months ahead into January how do I only show this months events?
Also in the lower calendar board is there a way for the text inside the calendar cells to be written even if it goes outside of that date cell?
Please help! I’m ready to hook this up to the wall 😹
actually I didn’t realize it cant all be lowercase that part worked! Thanks! Now I just need to figure out my calendar down below to show more of the event.
maximum number of days?
you can post images here, third icon from the right in message editor
@sdetweil I put it in multiple places but nothing is changing?
{ module: "calendar", header: "D and M floors", position: "middle", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, maxTitleLength: 50, maximumnumberofdays: 1, fade: false, calendars: [ { name: "holiday", symbol: "heart", maximumnumberofdays: 1, fetchInterval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, url: "", }, { name: "FAMILY", fetchInterval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, symbol: "plane", url: "", }, ] } },
actually I didn’t realize it cant all be lowercase that part worked! Thanks! Now I just need to figure out my calendar down below to show more of the event.
@Michelle-H2020 it’s a global value so it goes above the calendars list
for calendar and weather the top set of configuration options apply to all .
then the bottom applies to the either the individual calendars or the individual weather provider settings