Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-GooglePhotos does not display all photos
@rsiggins every time is does a scan, it replaces the previous list with the new one. but sort should have worked
I don’t see where the per image delay is set, but I would calculate the delay times number of images and set the refresh interval larger than that.
the code loads only 50 images at a time, it’s a gp limit. w 289 pics, your refresh interval should be 6 times longer than it is now
@sdetweil Thanks for the reply. I had thought of that and changed the scanInterval to 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5 for 5 hours. My updateInterval is 1 minute, so 289 should fit in 300 minutes. I didn’t think to change the refreshInterval. I changed that to also be 5 hours and have started a test. We’ll see how that goes.
@sdetweil I tried setting the refresh interval to 300 minutes, which would have been enough for the 289 images but the result were the same. I have tried different settings with the same result – the cycle starts all over with the first image after about one hour. I wonder if it could be the HTTP connection timing out?
@rsiggins i don’t know…
there should be messages where you do npm start
if using pm2, thenpm2 logs --lines=nnn,
nnn is some number default 15
@sdetweil I have been trying to dig out some hints from the logs, but I’m not seeing any error messages. Here’s what’s in the logs:
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:14.05.391] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 3 AIYQHLPTFIXlceHy6i07TEu1BJPJ0fBZ6qaGUhfyQ3hXDd99MfZ2vcIewb6ewe8RhI-JMW4e6-F6k8W4cDrk_snFwxM0YXMXBA
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:15.05.344] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 4 AIYQHLNbObH7UIznnrX-PVuqX-oDZD1OgqGSAoVjnI1j72GKL1isBZCMRjKJfa5zjecIQXFMCQgg9L8dt98SygI45xz5EtTB3Q
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.777] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Start Album scanning
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.781] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Prepare to get photo list from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.785] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.789] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 0
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.06.328] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 5 AIYQHLM1xI3NPHpR-5wRp8bURv2pS9dCkNgwhEoUNnacXR5J6pmYNiV30c8KHmyppAWWpfnvKkZgJj3garnogyq-bhDNgvoweg
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.07.807] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 50
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.09.711] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 100
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.11.643] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 150
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.13.458] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 200
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.15.311] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 250
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.616] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Got 289 photo(s) from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.689] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Total indexed photos: 289
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.689] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] num to ref: 50 , DesChunk: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 0
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.706] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.706] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] received: 50 to refresh
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.716] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Photo list cache saved
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.17.914] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] refreshed: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 50
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.17.915] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] just sent 50 more pics
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:17.05.340] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 1 AIYQHLOLdy89lagXSQrdX1dGgo9YyR3nMSqVOFkgr1Te2AxWVBY0JsMJ_6mKsNhTuU5InTotF_U1R5b4iOpL0Dap2ShmxhJ9aA
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:18.05.401] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 2 AIYQHLNu5PDUUAcLidvQEWXkNXN1g4pCE5i9mERxGvdhKdBdPnOKaAo2bp4FgNn27ZQntTXCtw2eSAl6xnWBSSBg1qNfw2uFSQ
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:19.05.332] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 3 AIYQHLPJQNm95HPif_f-P5pZemNGJZA6ZbOZITWswfi5ISxKsexK3dsnn78W1KwzDaGnG4I5nY0FK7fhMLwx_uyy_AfS4FwD6QIt runs fine for about one hour (55 images displayed), then reindexes and starts over with the first image. (0+1). At this point I’m going to attempt to step through the code and see if I can find out what’s happening.