Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
After updating MMM-CalendarExt3, the data is no longer updated
After updating MMM-CalendarExt3, the data is no longer updated. So I do see the old data, but if I make an adjustment in the agenda that week, you will not see it appear. Not until I restart the Raspberry. Then I see the data. It seems that the automatic update no longer happens.
Does anyone have an idea? I use the Outlook link. Or is there a setting with which I can influence the refresh of the data? If you need any specific information, please let me know.
Thanks for the effort.
I’m a little further along in the problem. It is not specifically included in the MMM-CalendarExt3. I see that the default calendar has not been updated. Only after restarting the Rasperry Pi will the agenda update again.Does anyone have an idea what this could be or what I can look at?
Are you sure whether default calendar is not updating events? How do you know?If what you mean is;
- when you add a new event in your Calendar APP (Google calendar or Apple Calendar, Outlook, whatever), then, that new event doesn’t appear in MM’s default calendar module soon(maybe 10minutes?), and when only after reboot, it would be displayed;
=> Usually that would be related withfetchInterval
of calendar module. Are you sure yours is not this case?
- when you add a new event in your Calendar APP (Google calendar or Apple Calendar, Outlook, whatever), then, that new event doesn’t appear in MM’s default calendar module soon(maybe 10minutes?), and when only after reboot, it would be displayed;
@MMRIZE the default fetchInterval is set to 7 days…