Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Let it snow now Magic Mirror
@OliWer I’ll fix this, this is one of my first modules, so I’ve done quite a few errors when it comes to following the frame work standard. And I think the flake count is because I sort of panicked when I realised that my Raspberry Pi almost choked on my first iteration, and I speed fixed the performance part. Ill look into it.
And think I got it going, after reworking the module yesterday.
Just updated and changed my config. Thanks for your fast response and changes!
Good work now and easier for me to play with to find perfect settings for my screen =) -
@sdetweil said in Let it snow now Magic Mirror:
@cgillinger said in Let it snow now Magic Mirror:
I cleared my MM installtion of modules to test this
just fyi… you can use another config.js
without removing the existing or removing any modulesin the terminal window you are using to start/stop/test mm
export MM_CONFIG_FILE=config/_other_config_name.js
then npm start will use _other_config_name.js for config
(and in that other config you can point to a different custom.css!)
see for the tip, that’s a great suggestion. Using export MM_CONFIG_FILE=config/_other_config_name.js makes testing easier without removing modules or modifying the main config.js. Plus, being able to point to a different custom.css in that alternate config is really useful. I’ll give it a try!
@HNpis you never have to uninstall modules. just add
on a line after the module: line
you can also run multiple MagicMirror instances at once off the same folder and using any of the modules installed, even same module in both instances.(warning some modules write data to their folder)
AND altho i wrote config/
it can be any folder off the MagicMirror folder
we run testing with the tests folder
@sdetweil I think I actually managed to implement it—so now snow falls whenever “Current conditions” report any of the various “snow” messages.
I renamed the module and uploaded it as a standalone: “MMM-DynamicSnow”
It should work with all weather providers. I created a separate dictionary for it, but so far, I’ve only had time to test it with Swedish SMHI. Also not easy to test during this mild winter, but I did finally manage to find a place where it snowed up north here in Sweden.
And here are the precipitation words used by the different providers:
openMeteo showers, Rain, Snow, Showers, sleet, drizzle, precipitation, hail, rain, Precipitation, snow
pirateWeather rain, sleet, snow
smhi showers, Rain, Snow, sleet, Drizzle, precipitation, rain, drizzle, snow
ukMetOffice showers, sleet, hail, rain, snow
ukMetOfficeDataHub showers, sleet, hail, rain, Precipitation, snow
weatherBit rain, sleet, snow
weatherFlow snow
weatherGov showers, Snow, Rain, Showers, Drizzle, precipitation, rain, snow
yr rain, sleet, precipitation, snowI did notice a lot of just plain “precipitation” and one future fix might be combining a broadcast of “precipitation” and negative degrees centigrades, as that would also indicate snow.
Also thinking of adding rain functionality, after testing the module more.
I want to run the module but actually i hang on the Problem with Openweather an the API V3.0.
Do you have a Solution for your Module? -
@cgillinger said in Let it snow now Magic Mirror:
Also thinking of adding rain functionality
that’s a wonderful idea, to combine the two.
And then add “sunshine”, “clouds” (for overcast).
Great. Thanks, keep it up… -
@det I actually did add rain: