@BKeyport Thank you for your willingness to help.
Unfortunately, I tried all the advice but nothing has changed :(
It loads ok once in a few tries, but in most cases the whole screen is moved up.
modules: [
module: 'MMM-iFrame',
position: 'bottom_center', // This can be any of the regions.
disabled: false,
config: {
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
url: [""], // as many URLs you want or you can just ["ENTER IN URL"] if single URL.
autoRefresh: false,
// updateInterval: 0.5 * 60 * 1000, // rotate URLs every 30 seconds
width: "1440", // width of iframe
height: "425", // height of iframe
frameWidth: "1440", // width of embedded iframe, height is beeing calculated by aspect ratio of iframe
module: "alert",
config: {
effect: "genie",}
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_bar"
module: "clock",
position: "top_left"
module: "calendar",
header: "KALENDARZ",
position: "top_left",
config: {
maximumEntries: 7,
maximumNumberOfDays: 365,
showLocation: false,
maxTitleLength: 25,
maxLocationTitleLength: 25,
wrapEvents: true,
wrapLocationEvents: false,
maxTitleLines: 3,
maxEventTitleLines: 3,
animationSpeed: 2000,
fade: false,
fadePoint: 0.25,
displayRepeatingCountTitle: true,
dateFormat: "MMM Do HH:mm",
dateEndFormat: "MMM Do HH:mm",
//showEnd: true,
fullyDayEventDateFormat: "MMM D",
timeFormat: "absolute",
getRelative: 6,
urgency: 1,
broadcastEvents: true,
hidePrivate: false,
sliceMultiDayEvents: false,
nextDaysRelative: true,
colored: true,
calendars: [{
symbol: "calendar-check-o",
url: "https:/basic.ics"
symbol: "birthday-cake",
color: '#27b7e3',
url: "https://calendar.google.com/"
symbol: "trash-alt",
color: '#ebd234',
url: "https://calendar.google.com/.ics"
symbol: "calendar-times",
color: "#ff3b29",
url: "https://www.thunderbird.net/media/caldata/PolishHolidays.ics"
module: "MMM-Currentweather-MQTT",
disabled: false,
position: "top_right",
config: {
location: "Potępa",
locationID: "3094597", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city
appid: "xxxx",
roundTemp: false,
degreeLabel: true,
showWindDirection: true,
showWindDirectionAsArrow: true,
showHumidity: true,
showFeelsLike: true,
useBeaufort: false,
useKMPHwind: true,
logging: true,
useWildcards: false,
showTempMax: true,
showTempMin: true,
mqttServers: [
address: '', // Server address or IP address
port: '1883', // Port number if other than default
user: 'xxx',
password: 'xxx!',
subscriptions: [ // for now, all seven values must be
// specified in the config,
// even if they are not delivered and not displayed.
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/temperatura', // Topic to look for
suffix: '°C', // Displayed after the value
decimals: 1, // Round numbers to this number of decimals
sortOrder: 10, // sortOrder 10 has to contain the temperature
maxAgeSeconds: 18000, // take Openweather value if older than 5 hours
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/wilgotnosc',
suffix: '%',
decimals: 0,
sortOrder: 20, // sortOrder 210 has to contain the humidity
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/temp_piec',
suffix: '°C',
decimals: 1,
sortOrder: 30, // sortOrder 30 has to contain the illumination
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/wiatr',
suffix: '°C',
decimals: 1,
sortOrder: 40, // sortOrder 40 has to contain the wind speed
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
topic: 'wetter/act-wind-dir',
suffix: '°',
decimals: 0,
sortOrder: 50, // sortOrder 50 has to contain the wind direction
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
topic: 'wetter/raining',
suffix: '',
decimals: 0,
sortOrder: 60, // sortOrder 60 has to contain the boolean if its just raining
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
conversions: [
{ from: "true", to: "tak" },
{ from: "false", to: "nie" }
topic: 'wetter/rain-today',
suffix: '',
decimals: 1,
sortOrder: 70, // sortOrder 70 has to contain the amount of rain today
maxAgeSeconds: 18000,
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/max',
label: 'c',
suffix: '',
decimals: 0,
sortOrder: 80,
maxAgeSeconds: 180000,
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/min',
label: 'c',
suffix: '',
decimals: 0,
sortOrder: 90,
maxAgeSeconds: 180000,
module: "weatherforecast",
disabled: false,
position: "top_right",
header: "Prognoza pogody",
config: {
lang: "pl",
locationID: "xxx", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city
appid: "xxxx",
maxNumberOfDays: 4,
//colored: "false",
fade: false,
//fadePoint: 1,
showRainAmount: true,
scale: false,
module: 'MMM-MQTT',
position: 'top_right',
header: '',
config: {
logging: false,
useWildcards: false,
mqttServers: [
address: '', // Server address or IP address
port: '1883', // Port number if other than default
user: 'xxxx', // Leave out for no user
password: 'xxxx!', // Leave out for no password
subscriptions: [
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/powietrze', // Topic to look for
label: 'Powietrze jest', // Displayed in front of value
suffix: '', // Displayed after the value
maxAgeSeconds: 350, // Reduce intensity if value is older
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/temp_piec', // Topic to look for
label: 'Temp.ogród: ', // Displayed in front of value
suffix: '°C', // Displayed after the value
maxAgeSeconds: 350, // Reduce intensity if value is older
topic: 'mirror/pogoda/co2', // Topic to look for
label: 'CO2 w salonie: ', // Displayed in front of value
suffix: 'ppm', // Displayed after the value
maxAgeSeconds: 350, // Reduce intensity if value is older
colors: [ // Value dependent colors
{ upTo: 500, value: "green", label: "green", suffix: "green" },
{ upTo: 600, label: "yellow", value: "yellow", suffix: "yellow" },
{ upTo: 900, label: "#ff4d00", value: "#ff4d00", suffix: "#ff4d00" },
{ upTo: 2000, label: "red", value: "red", suffix: "red" }, // The last one is used for higher values too
module: "MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify",
position: "center",
disabled: false,
config: {
showCoverArt: true,
clientID: "xxx",
clientSecret: "xxx",
accessToken: "xxxxx",
refreshToken: "xxxx-xxxx"
module: 'MMM-Remote-Control'
// uncomment the following line to show the URL of the remote control on the mirror
//, position: 'bottom_left'
// you can hide this module afterwards from the remote control itself
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}