Who can help me with an isue i have with my calendar. I have an even which will take place on a sunday at 18.00 of 6PM. Instead of displaying it in either one of these ways it says my event is on this sunday at 06.00. Which in my opinion is in the morning instead of in the evening. I find this quite confusing so i was hoping if there was anybody who knows how to change this. This is my config
/* global Module */
/* Magic Mirror
Module.register(“calendar”, {
// Define module defaults
defaults: {
maximumEntries: 10, // Total Maximum Entries
maximumNumberOfDays: 365,
displaySymbol: true,
defaultSymbol: "calendar", // Fontawesome Symbol see http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/
displayRepeatingCountTitle: false,
defaultRepeatingCountTitle: "",
maxTitleLength: 25,
wrapEvents: false, // wrap events to multiple lines breaking at maxTitleLength
fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, // Update every 5 minutes.
animationSpeed: 2000,
fade: true,
urgency: 7,
timeFormat: "relative",
dateFormat: "Do MMM",
fullDayEventDateFormat: "Do MMM",
getRelative: 6,
fadePoint: 0.25, // Start on 1/4th of the list.
hidePrivate: false,
colored: false,
calendars: [
symbol: "calendar",
url: "http://www.calendarlabs.com/templates/ical/US-Holidays.ics",
titleReplace: {
"De verjaardag van ": "",
"'s birthday": ""
broadcastEvents: true,
excludedEvents: []
// Define required scripts.
getStyles: function () {
return ["calendar.css", "font-awesome.css"];
// Define required scripts.
getScripts: function () {
return ["moment.js"];
// Define required translations.
getTranslations: function () {
// The translations for the default modules are defined in the core translation files.
// Therefor we can just return false. Otherwise we should have returned a dictionary.
// If you're trying to build your own module including translations, check out the documentation.
return false;
// Override start method.
start: function () {
Log.log("Starting module: " + this.name);
// Set locale.
switch (config.timeFormat) {
case 12: {
moment.updateLocale(config.language, {
longDateFormat: {
LT: "h:mm A"
case 24: {
moment.updateLocale(config.language, {
longDateFormat: {
LT: "hh:mm"
// If config.timeFormat was not given (or has invalid format) default to locale default
default: {
for (var c in this.config.calendars) {
var calendar = this.config.calendars[c];
calendar.url = calendar.url.replace("webcal://", "http://");
var calendarConfig = {
maximumEntries: calendar.maximumEntries,
maximumNumberOfDays: calendar.maximumNumberOfDays
// we check user and password here for backwards compatibility with old configs
if(calendar.user && calendar.pass){
calendar.auth = {
user: calendar.user,
pass: calendar.pass
this.addCalendar(calendar.url, calendar.auth, calendarConfig);
this.calendarData = {};
this.loaded = false;
// Override socket notification handler.
socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
if (notification === "CALENDAR_EVENTS") {
if (this.hasCalendarURL(payload.url)) {
this.calendarData[payload.url] = payload.events;
this.loaded = true;
if (this.config.broadcastEvents) {
} else if (notification === "FETCH_ERROR") {
Log.error("Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: " + payload.url);
} else if (notification === "INCORRECT_URL") {
Log.error("Calendar Error. Incorrect url: " + payload.url);
} else {
Log.log("Calendar received an unknown socket notification: " + notification);
// Override dom generator.
getDom: function () {
var events = this.createEventList();
var wrapper = document.createElement("table");
wrapper.className = "small";
if (events.length === 0) {
wrapper.innerHTML = (this.loaded) ? this.translate("EMPTY") : this.translate("LOADING");
wrapper.className = "small dimmed";
return wrapper;
for (var e in events) {
var event = events[e];
var excluded = false;
for (var f in this.config.excludedEvents) {
var filter = this.config.excludedEvents[f];
if (event.title.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase())) {
excluded = true;
if (excluded) {
var eventWrapper = document.createElement("tr");
if (this.config.colored) {
eventWrapper.style.cssText = "color:" + this.colorForUrl(event.url);
eventWrapper.className = "normal";
if (this.config.displaySymbol) {
var symbolWrapper = document.createElement("td");
symbolWrapper.className = "symbol align-right";
var symbols = this.symbolsForUrl(event.url);
if(typeof symbols === "string") {
symbols = [symbols];
for(var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
var symbol = document.createElement("span");
symbol.className = "fa fa-" + symbols[i];
if(i > 0){
symbol.style.paddingLeft = "5px";
var titleWrapper = document.createElement("td"),
repeatingCountTitle = "";
if (this.config.displayRepeatingCountTitle) {
repeatingCountTitle = this.countTitleForUrl(event.url);
if (repeatingCountTitle !== "") {
var thisYear = new Date(parseInt(event.startDate)).getFullYear(),
yearDiff = thisYear - event.firstYear;
repeatingCountTitle = ", " + yearDiff + ". " + repeatingCountTitle;
titleWrapper.innerHTML = this.titleTransform(event.title) + repeatingCountTitle;
if (!this.config.colored) {
titleWrapper.className = "title bright";
} else {
titleWrapper.className = "title";
var timeWrapper = document.createElement("td");
var now = new Date();
// Define second, minute, hour, and day variables
var oneSecond = 1000; // 1,000 milliseconds
var oneMinute = oneSecond * 60;
var oneHour = oneMinute * 60;
var oneDay = oneHour * 24;
if (event.fullDayEvent) {
if (event.today) {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(this.translate("TODAY"));
} else if (event.startDate - now < oneDay && event.startDate - now > 0) {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(this.translate("TOMORROW"));
} else if (event.startDate - now < 2 * oneDay && event.startDate - now > 0) {
if (this.translate("DAYAFTERTOMORROW") !== "DAYAFTERTOMORROW") {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(this.translate("DAYAFTERTOMORROW"));
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
/* Check to see if the user displays absolute or relative dates with their events
* Also check to see if an event is happening within an 'urgency' time frameElement
* For example, if the user set an .urgency of 7 days, those events that fall within that
* time frame will be displayed with 'in xxx' time format or moment.fromNow()
* Note: this needs to be put in its own function, as the whole thing repeats again verbatim
if (this.config.timeFormat === "absolute") {
if ((this.config.urgency > 1) && (event.startDate - now < (this.config.urgency * oneDay))) {
// This event falls within the config.urgency period that the user has set
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").format(this.config.fullDayEventDateFormat));
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
if (event.startDate >= new Date()) {
if (event.startDate - now < 2 * oneDay) {
// This event is within the next 48 hours (2 days)
if (event.startDate - now < this.config.getRelative * oneHour) {
// If event is within 6 hour, display 'in xxx' time format or moment.fromNow()
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
// Otherwise just say 'Today/Tomorrow at such-n-such time'
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").calendar());
} else {
/* Check to see if the user displays absolute or relative dates with their events
* Also check to see if an event is happening within an 'urgency' time frameElement
* For example, if the user set an .urgency of 7 days, those events that fall within that
* time frame will be displayed with 'in xxx' time format or moment.fromNow()
* Note: this needs to be put in its own function, as the whole thing repeats again verbatim
if (this.config.timeFormat === "absolute") {
if ((this.config.urgency > 1) && (event.startDate - now < (this.config.urgency * oneDay))) {
// This event falls within the config.urgency period that the user has set
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").format(this.config.dateFormat));
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(moment(event.startDate, "x").fromNow());
} else {
timeWrapper.innerHTML = this.capFirst(
this.translate("RUNNING", {
fallback: this.translate("RUNNING") + " {timeUntilEnd}",
timeUntilEnd: moment(event.endDate, "x").fromNow(true)
//timeWrapper.innerHTML += ' - '+ moment(event.startDate,'x').format('lll');
timeWrapper.className = "time light";
// Create fade effect.
if (this.config.fade && this.config.fadePoint < 1) {
if (this.config.fadePoint < 0) {
this.config.fadePoint = 0;
var startingPoint = events.length * this.config.fadePoint;
var steps = events.length - startingPoint;
if (e >= startingPoint) {
var currentStep = e - startingPoint;
eventWrapper.style.opacity = 1 - (1 / steps * currentStep);
return wrapper;
/* hasCalendarURL(url)
* Check if this config contains the calendar url.
* argument url string - Url to look for.
* return bool - Has calendar url
hasCalendarURL: function (url) {
for (var c in this.config.calendars) {
var calendar = this.config.calendars[c];
if (calendar.url === url) {
return true;
return false;
/* createEventList()
* Creates the sorted list of all events.
* return array - Array with events.
createEventList: function () {
var events = [];
var today = moment().startOf("day");
for (var c in this.calendarData) {
var calendar = this.calendarData[c];
for (var e in calendar) {
var event = calendar[e];
if(this.config.hidePrivate) {
if(event.class === "PRIVATE") {
// do not add the current event, skip it
event.url = c;
event.today = event.startDate >= today && event.startDate < (today + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
events.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.startDate - b.startDate;
return events.slice(0, this.config.maximumEntries);
/* createEventList(url)
* Requests node helper to add calendar url.
* argument url string - Url to add.
addCalendar: function (url, auth, calendarConfig) {
this.sendSocketNotification("ADD_CALENDAR", {
url: url,
maximumEntries: calendarConfig.maximumEntries || this.config.maximumEntries,
maximumNumberOfDays: calendarConfig.maximumNumberOfDays || this.config.maximumNumberOfDays,
fetchInterval: this.config.fetchInterval,
auth: auth
/* symbolsForUrl(url)
* Retrieves the symbols for a specific url.
* argument url string - Url to look for.
* return string/array - The Symbols
symbolsForUrl: function (url) {
return this.getCalendarProperty(url, "symbol", this.config.defaultSymbol);
/* colorForUrl(url)
* Retrieves the color for a specific url.
* argument url string - Url to look for.
* return string - The Color
colorForUrl: function (url) {
return this.getCalendarProperty(url, "color", "#fff");
/* countTitleForUrl(url)
* Retrieves the name for a specific url.
* argument url string - Url to look for.
* return string - The Symbol
countTitleForUrl: function (url) {
return this.getCalendarProperty(url, "repeatingCountTitle", this.config.defaultRepeatingCountTitle);
/* getCalendarProperty(url, property, defaultValue)
* Helper method to retrieve the property for a specific url.
* argument url string - Url to look for.
* argument property string - Property to look for.
* argument defaultValue string - Value if property is not found.
* return string - The Property
getCalendarProperty: function (url, property, defaultValue) {
for (var c in this.config.calendars) {
var calendar = this.config.calendars[c];
if (calendar.url === url && calendar.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return calendar[property];
return defaultValue;
/* shorten(string, maxLength)
* Shortens a string if it's longer than maxLength.
* Adds an ellipsis to the end.
* argument string string - The string to shorten.
* argument maxLength number - The max length of the string.
* argument wrapEvents - Wrap the text after the line has reached maxLength
* return string - The shortened string.
shorten: function (string, maxLength, wrapEvents) {
if (wrapEvents) {
var temp = "";
var currentLine = "";
var words = string.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var word = words[i];
if (currentLine.length + word.length < 25 - 1) { // max - 1 to account for a space
currentLine += (word + " ");
} else {
if (currentLine.length > 0) {
temp += (currentLine + "<br />" + word + " ");
} else {
temp += (word + "<br />");
currentLine = "";
return temp + currentLine;
} else {
if (string.length > maxLength) {
return string.slice(0, maxLength) + "…";
} else {
return string;
/* capFirst(string)
* Capitalize the first letter of a string
* Return capitalized string
capFirst: function (string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
/* titleTransform(title)
* Transforms the title of an event for usage.
* Replaces parts of the text as defined in config.titleReplace.
* Shortens title based on config.maxTitleLength and config.wrapEvents
* argument title string - The title to transform.
* return string - The transformed title.
titleTransform: function (title) {
for (var needle in this.config.titleReplace) {
var replacement = this.config.titleReplace[needle];
var regParts = needle.match(/^\/(.+)\/([gim]*)$/);
if (regParts) {
// the parsed pattern is a regexp.
needle = new RegExp(regParts[1], regParts[2]);
title = title.replace(needle, replacement);
title = this.shorten(title, this.config.maxTitleLength, this.config.wrapEvents);
return title;
/* broadcastEvents()
* Broadcasts the events to all other modules for reuse.
* The all events available in one array, sorted on startdate.
broadcastEvents: function () {
var eventList = [];
for (var url in this.calendarData) {
var calendar = this.calendarData[url];
for (var e in calendar) {
var event = cloneObject(calendar[e]);
delete event.url;
eventList.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.startDate - b.startDate;
this.sendNotification("CALENDAR_EVENTS", eventList);