I have had a rpi in place running a python written program that displays several web pages in a kiosk mode under chromium.
A customize version of this project
I have 34simple push buttons (plunger buttons each with only two terminals) all wired to the pi (One pin to GPIO the other to GND) . It works fine. Pyton code below.
Initialization code
GPIO.setup(19, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(20, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
Variable loaded
input_state_back = GPIO.input(19)
input_state_forward = GPIO.input(20)
input_state_view = GPIO.input(26)
input_state_change = GPIO.input(21)
Logic to test
if input_state_change == True
do some stuff
The code has been running on the pi 5 years, great.
So I have another PI that I built with MM, getting the screen like I want it to replace this one in the kitchen.
Take the SD card out of the test box put in in the kitchen pi, crank up MM and then use MMM-Buttons to configure the pins. The last step in my move to replace it.
I got nothing
pins will not register when I press them
MMM-Button Config below. I am watching for events in the log and Ihave notification on the screen. I have successfully hooked up MQTT to receive notification as well. I have gooled all over and I can’t figure out why the buttons will not work when wired up the same way.
module: 'MMM-Buttons',
config: {
buttons: [
pin: 21,
name: "User Present",
shortPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "USER_PRESENCE", value: true}
longPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "REFRESH"}
pin: 19,
name: "User Present",
shortPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "USER_PRESENCE", value: true}
longPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "REFRESH"}
pin: 20,
name: "User Present",
shortPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "USER_PRESENCE", value: true}
longPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "REFRESH"}
pin: 26,
name: "User Present",
shortPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "USER_PRESENCE", value: true}
longPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {action: "REFRESH"}
Any body have any idea what is going on?