Hi @TipsyNurse!
Thanks so much for the feedback on this idea. I have had doubts about the interface too.
I did consider the smartphone, but I wanted the Magicmirror to be a replacement for a smartphone in the salon instead of an addition, preferably. Also, this might make it more complicating sometimes because the customer would have to do it himself and the pictures would not be as consistent as they would be using a fixed camera.
The tablet is kind of the same ‘problem’. Since the Magicmirror would be used for playing very basic games using a controller like this one, a keyboard isn’t an issue.
I know I might sound stubborn on this one, but would love to try it on the Magicmirror itself at first and was wondering if anyone was interested in helping on this module. Maybe there could be some computer that runs a website doing the difficult Google Photos-tasks, to relieve the Pi from his duty a bit? It would be run in different salons so the cost of this computer will be less than having to buy tablets for each mirror, too.
The Facial Recognition might indeed be too demanding, especially since it isn’t that much of an improvement. This will be moved to the long-term idea section ;)
Anyway, thanks so much for the critical feedback. I didn’t even think about the workload for the Pi.