Also based in Brisbane. In the throes of a bathroom reno and was planning on using a bog standard Ikea mirror (already purchased) which is 1000 x 960. My plan now is to build a Magic Mirror to this size but sourcing the glass is definitely a challenge. Old monitor - check! RPI, setup and largely configured - good to go.
I don’t believe acrylic or plain glass with a reflective film is going to pass muster with she who must be obeyed…
I have a quote for a S108 glass (replaced SS08) at $500/m2. This looks like my best bet so far. However I have not had any success in getting any product detail form the supplier or Dr Google. Hoping for at least a sample before committing to such a significant purchase.
Viridian glass also have details about their Observa product - When I say product detail I mean marketing level bumps heavy on pictures and light on detail. Not sure as yet on a supplier for this. Given the target market looks to be primarily government institutions my guess is pricing could be the problem…
The other avenue of enquiry has been the folks making TV Mirrors. Similar concept. While the idiot box is off you have a framed mirror to complement your swanky interior design. When the TV is switched on you can see the display. Mostly those guys aren’t interested in supplying just the glass they use or any information on what it is and where they source it.
My next lead is Jubilee Framers who may be able to supply TV Mirror glass by the look soft their website.