Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Stuck at my Mirror currently....
Rpi3 is almost 8years ago introduced. It may have not enough power to handle modern tech like 4k video or heavy animation.I added new feature to the module recently, because I don’t use RPI any more for MM, but still many ppl are using RPI legacy/low-profile models.
Anyway to turn off the marquee effects, add “useMarquee:false,” in the config of CX3 module in your config.js
I will change it’s default value to “false” later at next update.I have done now. -
@MMRIZE thanks for the explanation. I will give this a shot. But does this mean if the text is too long it won’t move anymore? I kinda like the animation tho. Is this then a hardware limitation and I need to get something better?
will a pi4 or pi5 fix the slowness issue?
Right. MM itself is runnable on any device but more powered devices are usually more expensive or bigger than RPI. -
@MMRIZE if I change to rpi 4 or 5 will that helps?
I put in the calendar and google photo (yes managed to resolve installation issue) and it’s laggy like mad.By any chance you have solution for point 1)?
I have no device to test at this moment. So I cannot confirm you.
And I have no idea about MMM-ModuleScheduler.