Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hi Folks. I am very new at this and having an issue with the face recognition. I have set up classes as needed but i am not sure if the face recognigtion is working. My camera shows a brief image when i enter “libcamera-still -o test.jpg” so i know the camera is working but i get no indication on the mirror that it is even detecting anything. Names and faces were set up according to the directions and put in the dataset and ran the my question is, Anyone willing to do a little hand holding for a new guy and is there a way to tell if the software is actually looking at the camera. Thanks in advance to all those willing to help!
@danningson you need to add the venv setup to the ~/.bashrc
so it’s always set when a script is run
@danningson the code just sends the name of the user up to the module, which hides all the modules without that name as a class
I don’t know if there is any debug info provided
@sdetweil yes, that’s one of the things I loved about this module. It’s like a free screen saver when no face is detected. I had to set several modules ad always for my trouble shooting since it is not detecting anything.
@danningson you should see messages where you start MM
I STRONGLY suggest NOT using pm2 during modules dev and testing
pm2 stop allcd ~/MagicMirror npm start >somefile.txt 2>&1
then all the messages will be in somefile.txt
ctrl-c in terminal window or ctrl-q on MM web page to stop
here is a message in the node_helper that should be triggered
console.log(‘[’ + + '] ’ + ‘Users ’ + message.login.names.join(’ - ‘) + ’ logged in.’);there is also a camera frame event but no logging, you could add a message there
all the CV work is done in python in the background, and its outputs messages to the handlers in node_helper
@sdetweil Wow excelent advice thank you. I will try that.! I think something else may be going on. As mentioned in my original post, I was able to take several pictures with my camera and on a whim decided to add those to my dataset. When i tried to run the encode program I got a message that the module could not be found, even after running a ls and staring at the engode program it claimed it could not be found. I’m starting to think I may have a corupt install. I am not sure what to do but I might flash another SD card and try a fresh install. Thanks for all your help!
@danningson you ARE in the root of the module folder when you did npm run encode, right??
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN
then you can run encode per the instructions
npm run encode
Correct. I actuallly tride it from the MMM-Face-Reco-DNN and got the error message. I then went to tool and say the file and ecen tried to run it from there but got the same message.
@danningson this could be because of the need for the python virtual environment not being set up
I know he made a bunch of changes recently which require the venv…
@sdetweil Hi Sam - first, thank you for your time and expertise. I really do appreciate all the help. looks like you were right. I went back and ran the script again and noticed the environment additions. After running those I was able to run the program and it added several of the new pics i took. To further my troublshooting i added several classes as unknow. My thought was if the camera is seeing me but not recognizing me at least those moduels would show up and tell me the program was working correctly. Unfortunatly I got no reaction when looking into the camera either known or unknown. the camera is still wotking with the libcamera-still -o test.jpg so I am not sure why the program is failing to pic up anything. Again, thanks for your help
@danningson is mm running under that venv?