Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Microsoft ToDo
After I actually wanted to use Google Keep, I put it on hold for the time being and am now trying to use the module.
The tutorial is well described and there is also a great video about the module at ID created
Client Secret created
Refresh token createdThen installed the module and entered it in Config.js.
The module is displayed to me but it has no content
Is anyone familiar with the module or already using it to be able to tell me if I have an error somewhere or if there is a problem with the module?
@svenpisa I don’t know, but you have added items to the shopping list on the ms app,
correct? -
Hi Sam,
ich habe beides versucht.
config: { oauth2ClientSecret: 'xxxxx', oauth2RefreshToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', oauth2ClientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', listName: 'ToDo', // optional parameter: if not specified displays tasks from default "Tasks" list, if specified will look for a task list with the specified name (exact spelling), don't specify if you want to make use of the 'includedLists' configuration property of the 'plannedTasks' configuration. // Optional parameter: see Planned Tasks Configuration
the entry listName: is once the name of the list from Microsoft ToDo (spelling of the list is correct) and I have also completely removed the listName so that the tasks are displayed without a list. But unfortunately also without success…
I wonder if I did something wrong with the ClientID or Secret, but if I had used the wrong one, I wouldn’t have received a token, would I?
@svenpisa there are logging entries on the code, so you should see messages where npm start is done
if you use pm2 to launch mm then the command
pm2 logs --lines=50
will display the last 50 lines
50 may need to be larger, the default is 15there are also debug entries, if you add “DEBUG” to the logLevel property in config.js you will get those too… careful, this will enable the calendar debugging info which can be quite large
So when I enter the command, I first get a huge list… But I think this entry here is of interest, right?
0|MagicMirror | [12.02.2024 16:40.44.103] [ERROR] [MMM-MicrosoftToDo]: getTodos / get access token: 0|MagicMirror | [12.02.2024 16:40.44.104] [ERROR] [MMM-MicrosoftToDo]: Error: checkFetchStatus failed with status 'Bad Request' {}
@svenpisa i don’t know… but there is a similar issue posted to the module github repo
I would engage the author
@sdetweil yes i did but with
hope they will find a solution