Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
hello everyone,
First of all,thank you very much for face recognition on smart mirror @paviro
but ı stuck somewhere
ı did all the steps but ı’m using raspberry pi camera and magic mirror does not turn on when I start
but in the capture and train part is running smoothly
what should ı do
I’m waiting for your help -
I hope you are talking about capture part and train part in MMM-Facial-recognition-Tools. It works fine but in mmm-facial recognition folder there is a config .py file which created the problem throwing config=jsonl.oads(sys arg…) // I do not remmeber.
I just figured out few hours ago.
TRy this code#!/usr/bin/python
coding: utf8
“”"MMM-Facial-Recognition - MagicMirror Module
Face Recognition script config
The MIT License (MIT)Copyright © 2016 Paul-Vincent Roll (MIT License)
Based on work by Tony DiCola (Copyright 2013) (MIT License)
import inspect
import os
import json
import sys
import platformdef to_node(type, message):
print(json.dumps({type: message}))
sys.stdout.flush()_platform = platform.uname()[4]
path_to_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))Size (in pixels) to resize images for training and prediction.
Don’t change this unless you also change the size of the training images.
FACE_HEIGHT = 112Face detection cascade classifier configuration.
You don’t need to modify this unless you know what you’re doing.
HAAR_FACES = path_to_file + ‘/haarcascade_frontalface.xml’
HAAR_MIN_SIZE = (30, 30)#CONFIG = json.loads(sys.argv[1]);
CONFIG={"recognitionAlgorithm": 1, "lbphThreshold": 50, "fisherThreshold": 250, "eigenThreshold": 3000, "useUSBCam": False, "trainingFile": '/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Facial-Recognition/training.xml', "interval": 2, "logoutDelay": 15, "users": ['user1'], "defaultClass": "default", "everyoneClass": "everyone", "welcomeMessage": True
def get(key):
return CONFIG[key]def get_camera():
to_node(“status”, “-” * 20)
if get(“useUSBCam”) == False:
#import picam
from import VideoStream
to_node(“status”, “PiCam Enabled…”)
vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True,resolution=(640,480)).start()
#cam = picam.OpenCVCapture()
return vs
raise Exception
except Exception:
import webcam
to_node(“status”, “Webcam ausgewählt…”)
return webcam.OpenCVCapture(device_id=0)
to_node(“status”, “-” * 20)replace the code with above code.
I was able to fix the error with this. Hope it helps! -
@anandprabhat567 canu edit this and change the marks before and after to the backtic char (left of the 1 key), need three before and after