Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MagicMirror screen goes black
Replied again cursed by that akismi bot troll thing.
PS still setting it up but just monitor your logs.
Create a shell script with something like
tail -fn0 logfile | \ while read line ; do echo "$line" | grep "pattern" if [ $? = 0 ] then ... do something ... fi done
Maybe with a --retry to the tail command, or use -F instead of -f
Tack it onto your electron log and do the above xdotool.
I gave you some bum steers on export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority but prob was when I was using lightdm but for it to work omit that line.
I have 2 monitors running well 1 really as the Chromium one isn’t really doing anything as all is working fine. ended up just being
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then #If not set DISPLAY is SSH remote or tty export DISPLAY=:0 # Set by default display fi xdotool search --onlyvisible --class "chromium" key ctrl+F5 -v 2>&1 | logger & is just
#Grep is a bit confusing as \| ie OR not AND so you get the following of Or + inline there is the other string #grep -q '8080\|ERROR' would return true if either exist (OR) ( tail -f -n0 ~/.config/chromium/chrome_debug.log & ) | grep -q '8080.*ERROR\|ERROR.*8080' sh
Main one for me is the PM2 one that waits for MagicMirror to say all is finished and point your browser
( tail -f -n0 ~/.pm2/logs/MagicMirror-out.log & ) | grep -q 'Ready to go! Please point your browser to:' sh
Better explanation can be found on Monitor
i have a black screen too. Just got dark sky working. was finally happy and while rebooting after installing another module it goes to black. I thought it was my pi (3b) so I tried my other pi 3b+ and just black. I noticed earlier what looked like a draining battery icon but have no clue what that could mean. I do have a cursor on my black screen. alt tab shows Electon but I cant do anything from there. Help
@motdog run
npm start dev
Select the console tab, and scroll back to find any errors, red text.
Usually black screen is syntax error in module.js
@sdetweil I can’t get to terminal. All I have is black screen with pointer on it. I’m sure it was when I copied a config
@motdog ctrl-shift-i
Thanks I’ll try in the morning. If I can somehow get to config.js I’ll undo what I did. Appreciate all of your help!
@motdog always make sure u have an alternative way into the system. Like ssh from your PC.
@sdetweil I use VNC viewer pretty much all of the time to access this and nothing happens. I do see the green light occasionally flash on the pi when I try with the keyboard hooked up to it & my tv.
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