Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
GoogleAPI for MyCommute, OpeningHours, etc...
I’m interested in using one or more modules that use the googleAPI, but from their billing page, i see that it could be very costly per month specially if we do several requests per day.
What do you guys use and how do you keep your usage low so that it don’t cost very much?
Is it a free version of the GoogleAPI with limits?Many thanks for your help, Bruno
from google
For each billing account, for qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available each month, and automatically applied to the qualifying SKUs.
Thanks for the answer, but in “For each billing account, for qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available each month, and automatically applied to the qualifying SKUs.”, what do they mean for “qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs”?
Best regards, Bruno
@bmadeira sku means product