Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Vertical Image Diagonal Line Issue
are you using the fake gpu driver? some problems with rendering have been reported, particularly in the rotated layout
@sdetweil I’m really new to all of this so I’m not 100% certain if I am or not. Is there a way that I could check?
@mfruckus i have never done this so, searching yields this
@sdetweil Thanks for the info. I’m going to give it a shot and I’ll come back with results.
I tried out all of the options (Full Kernel, Fake Kernel, and Legacy).
For some reason, using the Full Kernel and the Fake Kernel somehow disregards my /boot/config.txt which tells it to rotate vertically. Changing the value and rebooting does nothing. I’m only able to be vertical at all when using Legacy.
I’m fairly confounded as to why I’m not even able to get the display vertical with Full KMS and Fake KMS. My hunch is that it may not be of huge importance to my diagonal line issue.
Even when using Legacy, if the display is horizontal, there’s no diagonal lines. It seems that it just wants to divide the vertical screen with a couple diagonal lines. There must be a solution though.
I’ve also tried installing just a clean raspbian stretch. However, the problem persists when I rotate the display with only the desktop environment of stretch running.
I’m now thinking that the 32" Samsung I’m using may be the issue and I’m going to try out another make/model.
At this point, from what I’ve read, the issue of the screen tearing when vertical seems to be related to using the legacy driver. Supposedly a switch to Full KMS should work but I need to rotate my screen using xrandr. Can anyone give me the breakdown on using xrandr to rotate my screen vertically?
Would be supremely appreciated
@sdetweil said in Vertical Image Diagonal Line Issue:
@mfruckus see
Thanks so much man. I got it working. This was the exact info I needed.
Rendering is still imperfect but there’s no screen tearing at all. Really really appreciate it. Going to post a detailed solution here shortly because this info is too hidden.
@mfruckus cool… i just did a google search to find that info… will be great if you post a step by step for others