A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Install MMM voice not working on Mac
Patricks-Mini:installers patrickhahn$ bash dependencies.sh \e[0m `/ymNMNds- :mMMMMMMMMMy` .NMMMMMMMMMMMh /MMMMMMMMMMMMN /MMMMMMMMMMMMN `` `.:+oo/. `` `````` `````.` /MMMMMMMMMMMMN .-:+oy` +syhd- `/hNMMMMMNs` `osyhy -ohmNNmh/` +syhhdmmNM: /MMMMMMMMMMMMN dMMMMm /MMMMs :dMMMMMMMMMMs +MMMM/ -yNMMMMMMMM+.MMMMMMMMMM` /MMMMMMMMMMMMN mMMMMy dMMMm``sMMMMMMNNMMMMN dMMMm +NMMMMMNNMd/ oMMMMmdhyys /MMMMMMMMMMMMN NMMMM/:MMMM-`yMMMMNy:--dMMMM` .MMMM+ sMMMMMh:--:` dMMMM. ``` `-- /MMMMMMMMMMMMN `-. MMMMM`dMMMs sMMMMN/ /MMMm oMMMN` +MMMMN+ .MMMMNshdd+ /MM`/MMMMMMMMMMMMN +Nm MMMMd:MMMm`:MMMMN- /MMM+ mMMMs `NMMMM: oMMMMMMMMN/ /MM`/MMMMMMMMMMMMN oMm `MMMModMMM/ yMMMM/ dMMh` -MMMM- /MMMMs mMMMmo/:-.` :MM.:MMMMMMMMMMMMm oMm .MMMMoMMMh mMMMM. `sMMh` sMMMd +MMMM+ `. -MMMMh/+osy `NMs yMMMMMMMMMMN:`mMs :MMMNdMMM- dMMMMh:--+dMMs` NMMMo -MMMMm/--+my oMMMMMMMMMN :NMs./dNMMMMMNy-:dMh` oMMMNMMMy /MMMMMMNNMMd/ :MMMM- oMMMMMNNMMh mMMMMMMMMMd .yNNy///+++//+dNm+` hNmdhyso. /mMMMMMNh/` yNdhs :hmNNmho-` -Nmdhso+/:-. .ohmNNmmmNNmy/` .``` `-/+/-` .`` ````` `.`` `.-NMy-`` NMo ......NMy.....` mMMMMMMMMMMMMMo \e[0m \e[96m[STEP 1/5] Installing Packages\e[90m sudo: apt-get: command not found \e[31m[STEP 1/5] Installing Packages | Failed\e[0m Patricks-Mini:installers patrickhahn$
@sdetweil thanks
yes, it appears the script does not check for and use osx commands (brew instead of apt-get, etc)
@sdetweil thanks
i am trying some solutions now
seems to work for me
@sdetweil thank you very much