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  • RE: new compositor on wayland

    @sdetweil thanks

    posted in Troubleshooting
  • RE: new compositor on wayland

    @sdetweil hi, have you changed the full screen behavior anyhow?
    I switched to labwc on my pi4 (an existing MM installation) and now always when the screen turns on, after it turned off (MMM-Pir), the task bar is visible and MM is only maximized but not in full screen mode anymore.

    I updated everything, but that didn’t help.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    Best wishes,

    posted in Troubleshooting
  • RE: MMM-NewsAPI

    @ufransa Ok, I don’t see anything in your config that would cause a problem. However, you do have both MMM-NewsAPI and MMM-calendarExt3 in the exact same position. I am thinking that MMM-CalendarExt3 may be pushing the module off the screen, they both cannot occupy the same space. Try using it in a different position and use the vertical option.

    posted in Utilities
  • RE: MMM-NewsAPI

    @ufransa You will need to advise which other module you are using. I am assuming that the config you passing in may not be correct. When I run domains: "" it worked fine for me without that extra config. Can you confirm which other module you are using so I can check if you have specified that config setting correct.

    posted in Utilities
  • RE: Contributing to a GitHub repository - a bit stuck

    @mumblebaj said in Contributing to a GitHub repository - a bit stuck:

    Make sure it is set to bash.

    It is set to zsh.
    No issue to change it to bash, but is there a reasoning behind it ?

    Stupidly enough I had this Terminal open the whole time.

    I just did ‘Commit’ from within VS Code and then did ‘Sync Changes’.


    % git status
    On branch evroom
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/evroom'.
    nothing to commit, working tree clean

    So that works just fine.

    I also made a change using the Terminal and then did the add and commit from the Terminal.
    In the Source Control pane you can see what you do on the command line in real time.

    posted in Troubleshooting
  • RE: Contributing to a GitHub repository - a bit stuck

    @evroom Just launch a terminal in VsCode


    Make sure it is set to bash.

    Then you can run the same commands git add and git commit -m "your commit text" and git push from the terminal.

    posted in Troubleshooting
  • RE: MMM-NewsAPI

    @sdetweil I am assuming he is using your fork of MMM-pages and was probably trying to do the below.


    If I remember the README from your fork it calls for page1 page2 etc. I kinda remember carousel has the type of config he was trying to implement but a little different.

    @ufransa can you confirm what you are trying to achieve or which module you using for page control?

    posted in Utilities
  • RE: Contributing to a GitHub repository - a bit stuck



    Then a final question:

    In short:

    I program using in VS Code and here is Source Control active.
    Can I use the GitHub CLI and the Visual Studio Code like together, or will they bite each other ?

    A bit longer, with an example:

    I have edited in VS Code.
    On my machine, I see:

    % git status
    On branch evroom
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/evroom'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

    On VS Code I see:

    V Commit

    Can I Commit it from within VS Code, or is it safer to use the GitHub CLI as I have done for the file previously ?

    posted in Troubleshooting
  • RE: MMM-NewsAPI

    @sdetweil Ah, got you.

    posted in Utilities