I’ve added one nice interactions to the module now. This took me some days to get it fully running. But now I’m quite happy with the result, so I also share it here again:
CSS animations for door opening and closing effects.
Manual Door Interaction:
Click to Open/Close: Clicking a closed door opens it with an animated rotation.
Door Opening Animation:
3D rotation animation from the right edge when opening.
Reverse animation when closing.
The state is written in the state.json file. So now your kids can “really” open a door in the morning and if you shut down your mirror in the night it has the same state after a reboot.
If you’re already running the module delete the state.json file if you feel that something does not work correct (I deleted it quite often during development so I can’t say if there could be an issue).
The update sounds easy but believe me for me it was not ;-)