@bkeyport and Sam: thanks for the inputs. I went through my logs and the referenced thread, and now do have DynamicWeather working. Much appreciated!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Best posts made by JohnGalt
RE: Black Screen with some modules + linux-armv Error
RE: MM won't start after upgrading to 2.29.0
@sdetweil – I wasn’t sure you [still] wanted me to do that before you had a chance to see the extended pm2 logs outputs. I will do it now and get back to you.
RE: Temperature/humidity on Magic Mirror
@sdetweil Thanks, Sam. I may take a look at that Ecobee API and/or the charting. The Ecobee is currently not in use in my new house, but this may give me the added incentive to get going on that. Thanks again.
RE: Upgrade errors?
@sdetweil - Thanks, the log file is on its way to you…
RE: MM won't start after upgrading to 2.29.0
@sdetweil – I was able to search out a fix.
For the benefit of anyone else running Wayland and wanting or needing to switch back to x11, see: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-use-x-instead-of-wayland-on-ubuntu-22-04 where you are asked to edit one line in a file, then reboot.
sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
I will mark this as solved now.
RE: one call api open weather
@KristjanESPERANTO - am I misreading or does MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast appear on both the first and last list? THANKS for the thorough review!
RE: Upgrade errors?
@sdetweil - Thanks for the help here and offline. My problem is solved, and for the sake of others following is the resolution.
Problem: MagicMirror install script outputs node.js errors on new RaspbianOS install running under VirtualBox.
Diagnosis [by sdetweil]: “so, the problem is that the intel raspian is a hybrid, x86_64 kernel with a i386 user runtime.
and they stopped making a nodejs for i386 after node 12”Solution: Rebuilt the virtual machine using Ubuntu instead of RaspbianOS. [I’m sure any Debian or other Linux distribution would work just fine…]
Thanks again - I can now use this as a dev machine and spare myself the risks associated with fiddling with the production machine!
RE: The most popular 3rd party modules
Kristian - do the links to the modules listed as numbers 7-10 need some validation? :)
RE: Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
@sdetweil - Thanks Sam. Viewed from that perspective it makes perfect sense! I’ll see if I can put a vnc client back on my phone and do it that way.
Latest posts made by JohnGalt
RE: Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
@sdetweil – True. I usually setup my Raspberry Pi servers with vnc enabled, but it’s been a while so I appreciate the reminder.
RE: Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
@sdetweil - Thanks Sam. Viewed from that perspective it makes perfect sense! I’ll see if I can put a vnc client back on my phone and do it that way.
RE: Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
@sdetweil - ok, I think I understand. Somehow I thought if I removed into the network, the magic mirror would perceive me as just being there on the local network - and thereby continue presenting the local data.
There must be something in the tailscale VPN that affects the magic mirror.
RE: Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
@sdetweil - the mirror is in the US (running on a raspberry pi connected to a local monitor), and I’m viewing it on my phone from Japan by accessing my home network over a tailscale VPN/zero tier network.
Time + Date content changes when viewed over tailscale
I’m traveling internationally and accessed the mirror in my home office over my tailscale VPN. When doing so, the clock module shows the time where I am and not where it is. I think openweathermap does too.
Is this expected behavior?
RE: Developer Wanted To Modify Default Newsfeed Module
@MMRIZE – Ok, thanks. I had enabled the ‘showImage: true’ and didn’t see images so I was just wondering.
RE: Developer Wanted To Modify Default Newsfeed Module
@MMRIZE – So to recap, is it the case that all that’s needed to get the pictures to display is to add “showImage: true” to the default newsfeed, or is something more required? If more is required, what would that be?
RE: Adding background image to analog clock.
@ChrisLeduex – OK, thanks. I wasn’t sure that the url path went anywhere in particular.
RE: Adding background image to analog clock.
@ChrisLeduex – Interesting exercise. Where did you put the .svg image[s]? In with the clock faces in the module folder? In the module folder root? Other?
RE: MMM-DynamicWeather Failed getting api: 401
@sdetweil --Sam, thanks!! for your patience. I do have this resolved, at least in one MM instance.
I did go back and commit the one command I missed as advised above, but still no joy. But then, …
Strangely enough while I WAS using a valid ver 3 API key, you were right in saying my issue was an invalid API key in the call… After doing the above I was still getting a 401 error, so I accepted that the computers were doing exactly what I was telling them to do [as opposed to what I WANTED them to do]. I discovered the root cause after copying in the API key again and comparing. What I found was this:
apiKey: "123456789"
When it should have been this:
api_key: "123456789"
I’m not sure why I started using “apiKey” instead of “api_key”, but putting it the way the module wants it fixed my issue. Thanks again!