Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-SpaceX Only Showing 2020 Launches
@ankonaskiff17 Your personal opinion about Elon Musk and SpaceX was not helpful and did not answer my question.
@KungFuCharlie Well, I’m not a fan of Musk but am a fan of SpaceX and have been following SpaceX for years and you are not going to get a posted schedule from SpaceX.
Dude just doesn’t do things like that.The fact that you can’t find anything is because there is nothing, not because you have’t found it.
KSC puts out a launch schedule for KSC and CCSFS may put out a schedule for launches on their base but military generally cagey about putting out schedules for anything under assumption you are providing possible information to adversaries.
FWIW, I’ve been to 2 SpaceX launches and SpaceX DOES NOT PUT OUT A SCHEDULE
The best you are going to get is to get on both KSC & SpaceX email notification lists and you’ll get an email heads-up when tickets go on sale.
SpaceX is a privately owned business and as such they are under no obligation to put out a schedule to the public. -
@ankonaskiff17 Just throwing out there that the module I referenced earlier does indeed have SpaceX launches on it, it just also has launches elsewhere (China being one of them and non-SpaceX but US-based launches too). And outside of MagicMirror, SpaceFlight Now has various rocket launches listed, including SpaceX and some of them farther in the future (like there’s an Arctic Satellite Broadband Missing going up on SpaceX sometime in 4th quarter this year).
@Wenike I think what you get into is how accurate you want your schedule to be. Having watched both KSC and SpaceX for the purpose of buying launch viewing tickets, many will be listed as NET rather than a specific date and time. That is one issue. Another is that there may be some technical issue with the satellite so it gets shuffled back to a point where the orbital requirements allow the launch to proceed.
Then you have government/military launches that tend to be very low profile.I know other guy got offended by my weed comment relating to Musk, weed, and launches but it was a valid point.
The initial launch of the full stack Starship/Booster was scheduled for 4/17. Well there are a couple of sites, LabPadre and Nasa Space Fight (NSF) that aren’t garbage that follow SpaceX .Me and lots of other people were tuned in to watch launch on 4/17 but in chat people were speculating if there would be a scrub on that day that pushed launch back to 4/20 and sure enough that’s what happened.
Commentary after the scrub was a lot of “LOL Who didn’t see that coming.”
A few years back, NASA Administrator under Trump went and semi-publicly chewed out Musk because of film footage of Musk and Joe Rogan smoking dope when Musk was interviewed by Rogan. -
@Wenike It worked. I created this Modul thanks to your github link: ioMMM-Rocketlaunch