A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
help for mmm-pages und indicator please
Hello everyone, I’m currently working on my MagicMirror and I have several modules that don’t all fit on the screen …
Now I wanted it so that the page then changes from 1 to 2 and I can then display modules on page 2 that are not displayed on page 1 because of that. the size.
I have attached my config.js here … can you please explain to me using the module page udn indicator what I am there for example. must enter?
I would like to thank you many times in advance for tips and a sample config of MMM pages and indicators.
Thank you very much
{ module: "MMM-Traffic", position: "bottom_center", config: { accessToken: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", originCoords: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", destinationCoords: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", firstLine: "{duration} mins", secondLine: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } }, { module: 'MMM-ioBroker', position: 'top_right', config: { host: '1xxxxxxxxxx', port: '8082', https: false, devices: [ { name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', deviceStates: [ { id: 'zigbee.0.00158d0002fb4915.temperature', icon: 'wi wi-thermometer', suffix: '°' }, { id: 'zigbee.0.00158d0002fb4915.humidity', icon: 'wi wi-humidity', suffix: '%' } ] }, { name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', deviceStates: [ { id: 'fhem.0.Temperatur_Feuchte_Speicher.temperature', icon: 'wi wi-thermometer', suffix: '°' }, { id: 'fhem.0.Temperatur_Feuchte_Speicher.humidity', icon: 'wi wi-humidity', suffix: '%' } ] }, { name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', deviceStates: [ { id: 'fhem.0.Temp_Feuchte_Wohnen_EG.measured-temp', icon: 'wi wi-thermometer', suffix: '°' }, { id: 'fhem.0.Temp_Feuchte_Wohnen_EG_Climate.humidity', icon: 'wi wi-humidity', suffix: '%' } ] }, { name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', deviceStates: [ { id: 'fhem.0.Temp_Feuchte_Wohnen_OG.measured-temp', icon: 'wi wi-thermometer', suffix: '°' }, { id: 'fhem.0.Temp_Feuchte_Wohnen_OG_Climate.humidity', icon: 'wi wi-humidity', suffix: '%' } ] }, ] } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "lower_third", config: { feeds: [ { title: "ARD News", url: "http://www.tagesschau.de/xml/rss2" } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true } }, { module: 'MMM-Tankerkoenig', header: 'Super (E10)', position: 'top_right', config: { updateInterval: 600, maxWidth: "300px",// die angegeben 200px verursachen unschöne Zeilenumbrüche api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", lat: xx.5xxx240, // das sind die Koordinaten von xxxxxxxxxxx/Mitte, siehe https://www.latlong.net lng: xx.6xxx140, type: "xxx", // alternativ “e5” oder “diesel” radius: x, // Suche in 1km Umkreis (in 5km Umkreis passt die Liste nicht mehr auf den Bildschirm) } }, { module: "MMM-PublicTransportHafas", position: "top_right", config: { stationID: "000xxxxxx", // Replace with your stationID! stationName: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Replace with your station name! direction: "", // Show only departures heading to this station. (A station ID.) ignoredLines: [], // Which lines should be ignored? (comma-separated list of line names) excludedTransportationTypes: [], // Which transportation types should not be shown on the mirror? (comma-separated list of types) possible values: StN for tram, BuN for bus, s for suburban timeToStation: 7, // How long do you need to walk to the next Station? showColoredLineSymbols: true, // Want colored line symbols? useColorForRealtimeInfo: true, // Want colored real time information (timeToStation, early)? showTableHeadersAsSymbols: true, // Table Headers as symbols or text? maxUnreachableDepartures: 0, // How many unreachable departures should be shown? maxReachableDepartures: 7, // How many reachable departures should be shown? customLineStyles: "", // Prefix for the name of the custom css file. ex: Leipzig-lines.css (case sensitive) showOnlyLineNumbers: false // Display only the line number instead of the complete name, i. e. "11" instead of "STR 11" } }, { module: 'MMM-COVID19-AMPEL', position: 'top_right', config: { header: 'COVID-19 Inzidenzwert', // Header Title of Display on MagicMirror cityID: ["xxx","xx","xx"], // City ID from https://npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/917fc37a709xxxxxx3be077a786c17_0/data infoRowClass: "small", // small, medium showUpdateDateInHeader: true, //Show update date in header showUpdateDateInRow: false, //Show update date in each row showStatusLightLeft: true, //Show left status light showStatusLightRight: true, // Show right status light showTitle: true, //Show Title row with headlines if you want to display more than one information showCases: true, //Show amount of active cases in city showCasesPerPeople: true, //Show Percentage of active cases per inhabitant showDeathRatePerPeople: true, //show death rate in % of infected people show7DayIncidence: true, // Show 7 day incidence value for your location numberOfDigits: 2, //Round the Percentage and incidence value to number of digits updateInterval: 3600000, // update interval in milliseconds // 1 Hour - Values are only refreshed every 24 H on Server fadeSpeed: 4000 } }, { module: 'MMM-pages', config: { modules: [[ "MMM-OpenmapWeather", "weatherforecast", "newsfeed", "MMM-Fuel", "MMM-COVID19-AMPEL", "MMM-pages", "MMM-PublicTransportHafas"], [ "calendar", "compliments" ]], fixed: ["clock", "MMM-OpenmapWeather", "weatherforecast", "newsfeed", "MMM-ioBroker", "calendar", "MMM-page-indicator"], hiddenPages: { "screenSaver": [ "clock", "MMM-SomeBackgroundImageModule" ], "admin": [ "MMM-ShowMeSystemStatsModule", "MMM-AnOnScreenMenuModule" ], animationTime:1000, rotationTime: 0.5*0.5*0.5, rotationDelay: 15000, }, } }, { module: 'MMM-page-indicator', position: 'bottom_bar', config: { pages: 3, } }, { module: "MMM-Fuel", position: "top_right", config: { api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxx", lat: xx.5062, lng: x.6657, types: ["e10"], radius: 10 } },
is there anyone here who can help me about mmm.pages in my config.js?
best regards