Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Distinguishing CSS from Config
If I have to hunt for CSS and CONFIG settings that are scattered through code, how do I distinguish between the two?
@ankonaskiff17 config settings are defined in the modulename.js in the default{} block
css is any/everywhere. Find class=, style=
Sometimes a module will provide its own css file, sometimes use the provided styles.
This is where I get tangled up with a code block like this, of which there are several. Up in default config that is showRain: false, so I just stick a showRain: true, in the config.js file. No problem with that. It is the things like label: 'Rain Volume (mm) and the rest. Do the get a css entry along lines of
.module.MMM-WeatherChart .showRain { label: 'Rain Volume (mm)'; } .module.MMM-WeatherChart .dataLabels { align: 'bottom'; }
These blocks are scattered throughout the script
if (this.config.showRain) { datasets.push({ label: 'Rain Volume (mm)', backgroundColor: this.config.fillColor, borderColor: this.config.color, borderWidth: 1, pointBackgroundColor: this.config.color, datalabels: { color: this.config.color, align: 'top' }, data: rains, yAxisID: "y2"
this.config.showRain = true is easy.
it is the settings enclosed in the show Rain block. Colors defined prior so just ignore them? -
@ankonaskiff17 this.config. says u can add variables to config section. Or use the default for it.