Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-CalendarExt2 not showing up
Hello there,
I am having trouble even getting the calendar to show up on my Magic Mirror interface. Tried all kinds of code for MMM-CalendarExt and it wasn’t working no matter what I tried. Decided to try this one. Not showing up either…really confused. All software is up to date. I downloaded the github code and went through the installation process in the terminal and then added the code to Javascript. Here is my code. Any ideas? It’s just black…
module: “MMM-CalendarExt2”,
header: “Family Calendar”,
position: “middle_center”,
config: {calendar: [ { url: '********public/basic.ics', symbol: 'calendar' }, ], } },
Read the instructions for it. Your config is massively short for what it is… here’s mine, with the URLs blanked. You’ll notice a few things. MMM-CalendarEXT2 (and CalendarEXT) use the same interface. There’s no default position, that’s down in the view section (You can have multiple views). There’s Scenes. There’s all sorts of things.
Go back to github and read the instructions. Mine is more complex than a basic setup, because I’ve got things like icons for trash days, etc, but it is still considered a basic setup for the module.
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt2", config: { calendars : [ { url: "[hidden]", name: "Main Calendar", // Optional, Recommended maxItems: 99, scanInterval: 1000*60*1, // every minute, Appt Book, needs this speed beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, { url: "[Hidden]", name: "Seahawks Calendar", maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 24*60*60*1000, beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, { url: "[Hidden]", name: "Sounders Calendar", maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 24*60*60*1000, beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, { url: "[Hidden]", name: "Utility Schedule", maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 24*60*60*1000, beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, ], views: [ { mode: "daily", position: "top_right", slotCount: 99, timeFormat:"LT", hideOverflow: false, filterPassedEvent: true, name: "Appts", //className: "remove_empty_slot", calendars: ["Main Calendar","Utility Schedule","Sounders Calendar","Seahawks Calendar"], transform: function(event) { if ("Recycle") > -1) { event.icon = "mdi:recycle"; event.className = "lemay"; } if ("Yard Waste") > -1) { event.icon = "entypo-leaf"; event.className = "lemay"; } if ("Trash") > -1) { event.icon = "bi:trash"; event.className = "lemay"; } if ("Seahawks") > -1) { event.icon = "fa-solid:football-ball"; event.className = "seahawks"; } if ("Sounders") > -1) { event.icon = "noto:soccer-ball"; event.className = "sounders"; } return event; }, }, ], scenes: [ { name: "DEFAULT", }, ], }, },