Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Transit module stopped working
@Elaniobro using the default config, i also see the lack of info
client.departures(stations) .then((responses) => { var upTown = [] var downTown = [] console.log("api results="+JSON.stringify(responses))
actual data
api results=[{"complexId":237,"name":"Carroll St","lines":[{"name":"6th Av - Culver","departures":{"S":[],"N":[]}}]},{"complexId":177,"name":"Clinton - Washington Avs","lines":[{"name":"8th Av - Fulton St","departures":{"S":[],"N":[]}}]}]
config: { apiKey: '****', // just granted displayType: 'marquee', mtaType: 'train', stations: [ { stationId: 237, walkingTime: 5, dir: { upTown: false, downTown: true } }, { stationId: 177, walkingTime: 5, dir: { upTown: true, downTown: false } } ],
We can close this issue, it was resolved on github. The module itself never broke, it was an upstream service that did. A module that I was using, was using deprecated endpoints. I spoke with the developer and the MTA and we were able to isolate and resolve it.
In addition, not only did the endpoints change but any API keys generated on their old site, will no longer work.
You will need to create a new one via moving forward.
Thank you for your assist and feed back.
@Elaniobro glad I found the cause. sure makes for a deep dive into the stuff we use when something changes…
I’m running into this exact issue today. New install has not resolved. Neither has requesting a new API key. Any suggestions?
@nneuland I would post an issue to the module github for the developer
Hi Sam. Yes, I did. Unfortunately because I am on a Pi4 they are unable to troubleshoot…I reinstalled the module fresh and retrieved a new API from, not clear on the error
socketNotificationReceived: “TRAIN_TABLE”:
MMM-nyc-transit.js:332 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fadeSpeed’ of undefined
at Class.socketNotificationReceived (:8080/modules/MMM-ny…-nyc-transit.js:332)
at module.js:245
at Socket. (socketclient.js:38)
at Socket…/node_modules/component-emitter/index.js.Emitter.emit (
at Socket.emit (
at Socket.emitEvent (
at Socket.onevent (
at Socket.MMSocket.socket.onevent (socketclient.js:32)
at Socket.onpacket (
at Manager…/node_modules/component-emitter/index.js.Emitter.emit (